Tech Discovery

Tech Discovery

We need to add new components with images for Restaurant, Restaurant Delivery and Kiosk, the images will be displayed according to the selected channel.


If the user is in the selected restaurant, it must show a glass of soda, if the user is in the delivery restaurant, it must show a canned soda






The concept of having different images for a context already exists in WL. For instance, it has different product images per locale (ES, PT, etc), as can be seen in Hero (just example - no impact here is expected):

For menu section, there’s already the capability to display image to Kiosk channel(just example - no impact here is expected):



intl-whitelabel-cms and intl-sanity-shared-schemas

Changes to be added on Menu Picker (Sanity):


Changes to be added on Menu Combo (Sanity):


Changes to be added on Item (Sanity):


Github References:





Query Sanity:


query { Menu(id: "item_67164") { name { en } image { asset { metadata { lqip } label title description assetId url path source { id url } } } } }

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