Oracle POS - In-Restaurant Testing
This page lists test cases that we recommend BK DE to conduct before transitioning to Oracle POS with Smoothr kiosks on any given store. For the purposes of this project:
Ensure to cover all in-restaurant testing scenarios;
Testing should happen with both POS (Oracle) and Kiosk (Smoothr) partners;
Mobile ordering testing (Delivery) is not required at this moment, since it will continue being SIDES.
Scope of Testing
1. Customer Journey Scenarios
1.1. POS (Oracle) - Offers
Scenario | Link | |
1 | Redeem offers while signed out | |
2 | Redeem offers while authenticating with loyalty code | POS - Redeem Offers | 2. Authenticating with the Loyalty Code |
3 | Redeem offers using pre-selection (includes multi-scanning) |
1.2. POS (Oracle) - Rewards
Scenario | Link | |
1 | Redeem rewards while signed out | |
2 | Redeem rewards while authenticating with loyalty code | POS - Redeem Rewards | 2. Authenticating with the Loyalty Code |
3 | Redeem rewards using pre-selection (includes multi-scanning) |
1.3. POS (Oracle) - Edge Cases
Scenario | Link | |
1 | Switch users edge case | |
2 | Payment failure edge case | |
3 | Redeem offers in stores without loyalty | |
4 | Redeem rewards in stores without loyalty | |
5 | Scan loyalty code in stores without loyalty |
1.4. Kiosk (Smoothr)
Scenario | Link | |
1 | Order in the kiosk and pay at counter | Kiosk - Edge Cases | 2. Order in the kiosk and pay at counter |
2. Data Scenarios
Note: the document linked below is generic, applicable to every market. Where it says “POS and Kiosk partners”, assume specifically Oracle and Smoothr for this project.
2.1. POS (Oracle)
Loyalty API v1 - In-Restaurant Testing
2.2 Kiosk (Smoothr)
Note: Same tests as above, but repeat for Kiosk vendor.