Marketing Content → Components → Homepage Components → Hero
What is the Hero pattern?
Hero is a default area at the top of the homepage, used to draw attention to the latest product, promotion, etc. It comes with 2 calls to action.
The hero allows for 2 color variants:
Standard Variant
Reversed Variant
Brand | Standard Background | Standard Text | Reversed Background | Reversed Text |
BK |
| ||
| |
TH |
Best Practices
Keep text off of the images here
Image will proportionally fill as much of the space as possible
Transparent backgrounds are best
The hero image is displayed at ~500x500px, to look good in retina displays upload twice as much as that, so 1000x1000px as the size of Hero image.
Text Expectations
Primary CTA
This is the IDEAL action we want our users to take, and is directly related to the content above it
Secondary CTA
This is intended as a fallback option, and should be directly related to the primary CTA
For example: if your hero advertises a new bundle, your primary CTA might be ‘Order Now’ and your secondary might be ‘View Full Menu’
Content Set-up
Required Content
Image - Refer to image spec above
Alt Text: Image Description
Header - The title
Subheader - The description on the hero. This should be short and sweet - ideal case keep this to 1 or 2 lines, but should wrap to a maximum 3 lines on small screens
Primary CTA
CTA Text - This is the text inside of the action button. Max 3 words, and should be in
Title Case
CTA url - the url that the user will be redirected to when they click on the card
Internal routes - must start with
for example,/account
External routes - should contain the full url
Secondary CTA
CTA Text - This is the text inside of the action button. Max 3 words, and should be in
Title Case
CTA url - the url that the user will be redirected to when they click on the card
Internal routes - must start with
for example,/account
External routes - should contain the full url
Reversed toggle - refer to the color variations above
This should only be toggled if your hero is related to a campaign or initiative that has terms and conditions associated
Terms text variant: if you’d like your terms to pop up in a modal, paste the copy in this field
Terms button variant: if you’d like to redirect the user to a separate terms page, set the url here
Enable Visibility
Now that you have a marketing card group established, you can add it to the homepage.
Visit {sanity url}/desk/content;features;featureHomePage
Add a ‘referenced hero’ to the list
Link the hero you have created
Publish changes