2023-12-12 Release Notes



  • Partner API: The enhanced PartnersAPI now incorporates improved features like extended menu item support, unified Channel & Market APIs, and additional capabilities for partners to map Sanity content information to PLUs

  • Email & push notification: Upon opting in during Sign Up, customers will now be opted in to both email and push notifications, expanding from the previous email-only opt in

  • App performance: Improvement on the app performance


Partner API's


  • A new series of improvements on the web code was recently released on the app shell. By having these improvements, the update check of the app will occur right before the app launches, triggering an immediate background download and installation, if an update is available.

  • At the same time, that new update is downloaded and installed in the background, seamlessly hidden from the user, with changes taking effect when the app comes into focus again.


Email & push notification

  • Customers will now be opted in to both email and push notifications when they opt in to communications at Sign Up. Historically, opting in to communications was only opting in users for email communications.

  • As part of this improvement, we advise all franchisees to perform the following two changes:

Update the opt in text on sign up to reflect emails and push notifications (e.g. “I want to receive special offers and other info via email and push notification"). You can do that using Lokalise.com by searching for the proper tag for your specific brand: BK - acceptEmailsAndSpecialOffers.bk; FHS - acceptEmailsAndSpecialOffers.fhs; PLK - acceptEmailsAndSpecialOffers.plk; TH - acceptEmailsAndSpecialOffers.th

Thanks to the translation improvements announced here, string updates are synchronized twice per day (at 10:00 and 22:00 UTC).

Opt in text on Sign Up


Lokalise string to update

Display separate checkboxes for email and push Opt in. This allows users to customize the type of communication they want to receive, allowing them to opt out of a single channel if desired while still receiving comms through the other channel.

Note: To enable such a feature, go to Sanity > Marketing Content > Features > Account and ensure that ‘Opt In Setting Email and Push’ has been selected. Select the available values for Push Key and Email Key, add a Name and ensure that ‘Single Tickbox’ is unselected.