Add On Section

Marketing Content → Components → Add On Section

What are Add On Sections?

Add On Sections allow guests to add on last minute items (sauces, condiments, cutlery, etc..) from checkout.

You can create Sections of items that are then displayed in the checkout.


  • Navigate to marketingContent → components → addOnSection

  • Populate with items you would like to offer as an “Add Ons”


  • Configure max amounts on items (2 options)

    • Group Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 sauces total per order”



    • Item Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 of each sauce per order”



No availability checks are done here. Adding items as an “add on” it is assumed that these items are available everywhere.

Setting it up

  • Navigate to marketingContent → features → featureMenu

    • Populate “Cart Add On Sections” with the groups built in the step above

Guest Facing Experience