[DEPRECATED] Adding Rewards
What’s a Reward?
A Reward is a 0 priced item or combo that can be ordered in exchange for loyalty points. For example, is a Whopper item reward worth 500 loyalty points. Only customers with 500 loyalty points in their balance will be eligible to use a Whopper reward.
Adding Rewards
To create a new reward, click on the '+' at the top of the page:
Loyalty Engine ID
This is populated automatically. No update needed here.
This is the name of the reward that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines.
Internal Name
The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly identify and organize your rewards.
This is the description of the reward once it is clicked on.
This is the image that is shown for the reward.
Best Practices Tip
Remember choosing a picture without a background will look better, remove noise, and turn the guest’s focus to the actual purchase
Image Description
This will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.
Background Image:
This is where you can input a background to your image if applicable (optional)
Every reward must have the rule Loyalty Points configured. In this rule, you must specify how many loyalty points the customer will need to spend in order to redeem this reward (e.g. 400 points)
Other optional rules that can be applied to Reward: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/pages/createpage.action?spaceKey=COG&title=Mechanics%3A%20Rules&linkCreation=true&fromPageId=4719214666
For NCR it is not possible to create a reward with an item incentive. Please create all rewards with combos containing a marker item as described here:
Either an item, combo, picker or discount that is the benefit of your reward. For item, combos, and pickers this is the original item or combo from the menu.
If your benefit is a discount please refer to: [DEPRECATED] Reward Discounts
Vendor Configs
A unique PLU for the reward. The PLU Type needs to be set to Constantplu
and numbered value of the PLU needs to be inputted below Constant PLU
In general, this PLU will have the price of 0. There are exceptions, if your reward can be redeemed for a price in combination with loyalty points.
Test Only
If this toggle is turned on the reward will only be available in lower environment (Dev, Staging and QA). Even if the reward is accidentally pushed to Production, it will not show up for users in the App.
Redemption Methods
The different ways the reward can be redeemed in the platform:
Restaurant Only: Reward can only be redeemable in Restaurant at Kiosk or POS
Mobile Only: Reward can only be redeemable in online ordering for both web and app
Mobile and Restaurant: Reward can be redeemable in both online and in-restaurant orders