[DEPRECATED] Locked Offers
**Locked Offers [order-history in sanity] - this is equivalent to a quest or challenge offer - we are evaluating eligibility based on a string of defined purchasing behavior.
All order-history offers must have a date band
Between dates reqs are inclusive of the dates listed
If the order of events matters, set the
sequence matters
flag to trueAll top level rules will have an accompanying checkbox on the UI
Day-of-week-Band - Boolean flag per day of the week. Those days that are set to true will be the only days on which the coupon shows on the UI / can be redeemed.
Time-Band - Set the start and end time of when the coupon is redeemable. Outside of these times, the coupon will be filtered from the UI – working to make it so that the coupon isn’t actually filtered, but rather shows a modal that says not redeemable until ____. Also outstanding work: must be able to read the local time of the restaurant / user to properly assess this prop
Cart Property
Service mode
Purchase requirement - Specify the item/combo the user must purchase in order to redeem
Payment type requirement