Marketing Content → Components → Homepage Components → Hero
What is the Hero pattern?
Hero is a default area at the top of the homepage, used to draw attention to the latest product, promotion, etc. It comes with 2 calls to action.
The hero allows for 2 color variants:
Standard Variant
Reversed Variant
Brand | Standard Background | Standard Text | Reversed Background | Reversed Text |
BK |
| ||
| |
TH |
Best Practices
Keep text off of the images here
Image will proportionally fill as much of the space as possible
Transparent backgrounds are best
The hero image is displayed at ~500x500px, to look good in retina displays upload twice as much as that, so 1000x1000px as the size of Hero image.
Content Set-up
Required Content
Image - Refer to image spec above
Alt Text: Image Description
Header - The title
Subheader - The description on the hero. This should be short and sweet - ideal case keep this to 1 or 2 lines, but should wrap to a maximum 3 lines on small screens
Primary CTA
CTA Text - This is the text inside of the action button. Max 3 words, and should be in
Title Case
CTA url - the url that the user will be redirected to when they click on the card
Internal routes - must start with
for example,/account
External routes - should contain the full url
Secondary CTA
CTA Text - This is the text inside of the action button. Max 3 words, and should be in
Title Case
CTA url - the url that the user will be redirected to when they click on the card
Internal routes - must start with
for example,/account
External routes - should contain the full url
Reversed toggle - refer to the color variations above
This should only be toggled if your hero is related to a campaign or initiative that has terms and conditions associated
Terms text variant: if you’d like your terms to pop up in a modal, paste the copy in this field
Terms button variant: if you’d like to redirect the user to a separate terms page, set the url here
Enable Visibility
Now that you have a marketing card group established, you can add it to the homepage.
Visit {sanity url}/desk/content;features;featureHomePage
Add a ‘referenced hero’ to the list
Link the hero you have created
Publish changes