


A discount on the order or item. Can take the form of a discounted bundle, cheaper item, order-level % discount, or order-level $ off.

System Wide Offers

Systemwide Offers are the next generation of our current offers. Key difference is that ‘systemwide offers’ are evaluated by the loyalty engine, where ‘offers’ are evaluated by the CBA backend. Under the loyalty offers system, all ‘offers’ will become ‘systemwideOffers’. On their own, system wide offers are not personalized. They are inherently available to all users who satisfy the criteria

AKA Swoffers, national offers, global offers

Systemwide / Global

All users who meet the rules are eligible for the benefit

Config Offers

Config offers are used in the context of personalized offers. They provide the benefit of the offer, any base rule configurations, and vendor configs (plus). They will not be shown to users independently as systemwide offers. Think of config offers as similar to offers with a ‘must be assigned’ rule in the CBA universe.

These can be thought of as 1/2 of a personalized offer where the other half is the Offer Template.

Offer Templates

Templates contained under loyalty > offer templates in sanity. Templates contain content and define the rules that are expected from the recommendation engine.

These can be thought of as 1/2 of a personalized offer where the other half is the config offer.

Personalized Offers

Offers that are created by combining an offer template and a config offer. These offers require assignment and can be personalized for each user, or cohort of users. Every personalized offer ID is unique.


The user must be assigned the benefit via personalization engine.

Loyalty Engine

This is the CTG built loyalty engine that communicates directly with the whitelabel app platform to provide loyalty features and all offers within the loyalty offers platform (Systemwide offers, personalized offers, surprise & delight, swaps).

Personalization Engine

This is the non-ctg engine that contains that algorithm to determine what offers should be assigned to a user or group of users. The source of the personalization rules comes form this engine.

AKA recommendation engine, upsell engine. Deep Flame/Deep Seasoning

Loyalty Offers

The new offers engine that moves availability determination and rule evaluation into the loyalty engine.

CBA Offers

The former offer engine built into the whitelabel app that used to determine availability and rule evaluation. CBA is short for Cross Brand App, the name of the app project when this offer engine was built

Surprise & Delight Offers

A type of offer that exists under the loyalty offers banner. Currently only enabled for Popeyes. This feature sets up an offer to be a ‘surprise’ that appears to the guest via an interstitial received when they navigate to /cart (assuming the user has valid surprise & delight offers for them based on the rules configured). These offers do not appear in the offers list on the /offers or /rewards/offers page.
Example: Surprise users with a free side on their 3rd order

AKA S&D offers

Swap Offers

A type of offer that exists under the loyalty offers banner. Currently only enabled for Burger King. This feature sets up an offer to be a ‘swap’ option that appears to the guest via an interstitial received when they navigate to /cart (assuming the user has valid swap offers for them based on the rules configured). Example: Upsize your fries in the cart by swapping medium fries for large fries

AKA Swaps

Note: Swaps require a new set of PLUs and significant configuration by the menu content team.

Discount Offers

This is a type of offer that provides a $ or % discount on a user’s cart instead of providing a menu items. They will link to an offer discount in the incentive. These are usually support offers.


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