[DEPRECATED] Store Locator (Conversion)

[DEPRECATED] Store Locator (Conversion)

Event Name



Property Description

Manual Location Search

When user searchs for any valid address in the store location feature

  • selectedAddress

  • searchInput


Restaurants Found

Triggered once restaurants are found



Save Address

Triggered when a user saves a Delivery Address to their account

Customer ID

rbiCognitoId of the user

Address Alias

The name that the address should be saved under. We store it as the alias property.



All other general attributes

Most relevant attributes: Locale, Platform, Service Mode, AddressLine1, Street, City

Note that the save address covers both the previous and the new implementation.



Select Delivery Saved Address



Triggered when a user selects a Saved Address

Customer ID

rbiCognitoId of the user

Address Type

A string representing the alias/name of the address. For the example below, it is either valencia-#555, valencia-#2, or madrid-one. This is the value the users adds in the Save This Address field.



All other general attributes

Most relevant attributes: Locale, Platform



Select Delivery Recent Address

Triggered when an user selects a delivery recent address

Customer ID

rbiCognitoId of the user

Address Type

A string with recent

All other general attributes




eCommerce Purchase (new attributes)



New attributes will be added to the existing eCommerce Purchase event to track when a user has made an online purchase with a Saved Delivery Address

Address Type

A string with the input if user chose Home, Work . If user choses Other location , Address Type will equal to the input of what the user added as their Other Location. If the user chooses a Recent Address, the value will be recent


A boolean (TRUE or FALSE). If it is set to True, it means user checked out with Saved a Delivery address or user went through the flow to Save the Delivery Address for the first time. If set to False, user is completing a purchase without having Saved a Delivery Address


A boolean(TRUE or FALSE). If it is set to true, it means the user checked out with a Recent Address. If set to false, the user completed the purchase without using Recent Address.


A boolean(TRUE or FALSE). If it is set to true, it means the user has seen Recent Addresses.

Grant Location Permission

Triggered when a user grants access to the device’s location.


Most relevant attributes: CustomerID, Platform, Service Mode

Edit Delivery Address

Sent when a user edits a saved delivery address.

New address details

Most relevant attributes: CustomerID, Address Alias, Platform

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