Delivery - Features

Delivery - Features

This page details the Delivery Features in our platform.


Overview & Context

One of the most significant delivery funnels in our platform is from the Store Locator to the Menu, making Store Locator a key piece of the ordering experience.

Recent Address Feature

The Recent Address feature enables listing the most recently used delivery addresses (up to 4) in the Store Locator, aiming to minimize the % drop from the Store Locator Delivery to Delivery Quote. That is, % users that click on the delivery tab in the store locator and start location search, but do not get a delivery quote. By making recently used addresses readily available for users, it enables a more seamless re-ordering experience.

The feature can be made available via CSM by setting the Launch Darkly Flag enable-recent-addresses = TRUE.



Lokalise Strings:

removeSavedAddressTitle: "Remove this address?" removeSavedAddressBody: "Are you sure you want to remove the address \"{address}\"?" removeSavedAddressSuccess: "Address removed sucessfully" deliveryAddressDefined: "Delivery address defined" recentAddresses: "Recent"


Improved 'Saved Address’ Feature

The improved Saved Address feature enables a more seamless re-ordering experience by removing extra screns (and therefore friction points for users to drop) in the user journey. This feature works in better cohesion when enabled together with the Recent Address feature.

The feature can be made available via CSM by setting the Launch Darkly Flag enable-saved-addresses-improvements = TRUE.


  Improved Store Selection Options

Removing the extra click needed during the store selection process and improving the visual guides for store selection options aim to enable higher order and offer redemption conversion.

The feature can be made available via CSM by setting the Launch Darkly Flag enable-improved-store-selection-options = TRUE.


Lokalise Strings:

"select": "Select", "viewStoreDetails": "View store details", "offers": "Offers",



For the 'Offers' button to be visible:

  • enableOffers Launch Darkly flag needs to be ON

For the 'Offers' button to be in ACTIVE state:

  • The restaurant should be available for mobile ordering

  • The restaurant should not have the hideClickAndCollectOrdering property = TRUE

  • Enable-store-selection-2 Launch Darkly flag should be enabled

If any of the above conditions don't hold, the button will be in the DISABLED state.

Displaying PIN Code in the Delivery Confirmation Page

Some of our last mile providers (e.g. Uber) have a pincode verification feature which requires the driver to obtain and enter a 4-digit pincode from the customer. Once the driver enters the correct in the vendor driver application, the verification step is satisfied, and the courier can successfully complete the dropoff.

The PIN Code is displayed within the whitelabel application in the delivery order confirmation so that guests can easily access it and provide it to drivers:


The last mile provider decides whether to require the pincode based on the likelihood of fraud for each order, not all orders usually require a pincode.

Any delivery partner will be able to start sending the pincode information using the new field pincode in the delivery event API, this new field will be optional and it will be updated if it is not undefined in the payload. To have more information, please refer to Partners API documentation.

Automatic Share Location Modal & Keyboard Closure

Directly opening the Share Location Modal when a user lands on the Store Locator screen (instead of the user clicking/tapping on the Share Location Button in the UI) & closing the user keyboard automatically after address entry would remove extra clicks from the user ordering journey, therefore expected to improve the conversion rate.

The feature can be made available via CSM by setting the Launch Darkly Flag enable-automatic-location-share-and-keyboard-close = TRUE.



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