[DEPRECATED] [DMP] Order History - How To
It is possible to see all the closed orders by clicking the “History” tab. Within it, operator can filter closed orders by current day or previous dates.
The default view is the Delivered orders (closed with success).
There is a counter on the right side top showing the total of delivered orders, closed with issues and cancelled.
It is just click on the counters to see the orders listed under each of the categories:
When there’s no orders to be displayed for the selected filter, operator will see the message “All set! Nothing to show here”
All the closed orders (with issues or success) for the current day will be showing at the “History” tab.
[DOP] Order History
DMP’s order history has an integration with DOP therefore offering a new way to visualize and mange orders in all restaurants.
Access the DOP
Click on “Delivery" button and then click on “Order History”
Apply the filters to locate the restaurants you wish to visualize
Filtering options
It’s possible to filter orders by
Payment method
User email
Basically, any info that shows in the table
Also, it’s possible to use the same filters to search for orders or restaurants.