[DEPRECATED] [DMP] Cashflow - How To
By clicking the “Cashflow” option, it is possible to see the cashflow for the current day:
The default view is the “See Sumary”, where is possible to see:
Cashflow | Summary: the total cashflow by shift and payment method.
Columns are the payment method with the total sum at the last row.
Rows are the shifts with the total sum at the last column.
Cashflow by Channels: the total cashflow by channels (own marketplace, food aggregators, etc.), following the same patter of columns (payment methods) and rows (shifts).
The “See by driver” option shows details that can be filtered by:
Shift: All, Day, Evening, Night.
Payment method: all payment methods in the list.
Drivers: drivers name in the list
“Filter” button that applies the filter selected.
As the image above, filtering information about all drivers, all shifts and all payment methods for the day, and clicking the “Filter” button, it will show the cashflow:
The current day, the drivers only delivered orders in the morning, so as shown, evening and night shifts are empty.
The day shift has its value by payment method.
Green is for money/cash.
Blue is for others.
Each driver has it’s own section on screen, that can be expanded or collapsed.
There is a printer button to print the cashflow.
Cashflow information is for the current day.
Filters can be applied to help the data visualization.