[DEPRECATED] Complaints and Compensations
On this page, you can select a restaurant from the restaurants combo and see the number of complaints created for this restaurant for the date range selected on the date filter. The maximum number of days you can select is 15 days.
On the list of complaints, you can see its status. The open and closed complaints are available for consultation only. The complaints with Pending status is waiting for a franchisee to Approve or Deny the restaurant resolution.
The complaints with Pending status are requesting for a voucher or a refund for the guest, on these cases it will be waiting for the franchisee to Approve or Deny.
You can see below the detail of a complaint requesting a voucher to resolve this complaint.
On this case, you can click on Deny Request button, for this complaint will be closed and the request denied.
If you want to approve this request, you have to select a resolution option first. After select a value, the approve request button will enable and you can approve this request. On this case the complaint will be closed and a voucher for this guest will be requested.
The voucher options for each restaurant is configurable on Sanity if necessary
For the cases that the Pending complaint is requesting for a refund, the process is similar. You will access the detail of the complaint.
But on this case is easier, you have just to click on Deny Request to close the complaint and deny the refund or click on Approve Request button and close the complaint approving the refund request.