

In this section we are going to explain how the Inspector DMP works and what are the rules for each card:


  1. To open the Inspector DMP board, first click on DELIVERY [1] > DMP INSPECTOR [2]:

2. The screen is automatically refreshed in 90 seconds, but there is a button to force.
Here we can see:

  • Number of drivers active (sum from the number of restaurants selected);

  • Number of critical orders

  • Number of delayed orders

  • Number of on time orders

3. Filter opened - Max number of restaurants to select is five:

4. All the colors follow the same pattern in DMP:

Total time the order is sitting on the same column:

  • Green < 3 minutes

  • Yellow >= 3 minutes and <= 5 minutes

  • Red > 5 minutes

  • Total order lifetime:

    • Green < 30 minutes

    • Yellow >= 30 minutes and <= 35 minutes

    • Red > 35 minutes

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