[DEPRECATED] User Management Onboarding & Capabilities
These guidelines are intended to help markets easily onboard with the User Management capabilities. For any questions/feedback you may have, please reach out to Semih Yildirim.
User Management Capabilities
User Management enables FZs to create users, manage their roles and exact set of permissions directly from the Digital Operations Portal.
After logging in to the Portal, User Management functionalities can be accessed easily from the top navigation bar:
With the new User Management capability, each user will be assigned to a role, and each role will have a set of permissions enabled and disabled.
If a user doesn’t have the permissions to perform a certain activity, validation errors will be raised. For example, if the ‘Add User’ permission is not available for the role of a user, then the user will receive a validation error when the ‘Add User’ button is clicked. Users can always reach out to one of the Admin users in their region to have their permissions/role updated.
Users with the Manage User permissions can:
View the Users Section
View the Users List and Roles List
Add & edit a user, including the ability to assign a role to a user
Assign restaurants/restaurant groups to a user
Add & edit a role (defining the exact set of permissions for a given role)
Note: Users will only be able to add new users/roles for regions they are assigned to, and for restaurants in their region.
While adding a new user or editing an existing one, the Admin users can assign restaurant(s), restaurant group(s), and roles for each user:
For any new restaurant, an Admin will need to go to User Management and assign that restaurant to all user who should have access to it. This is required from the access control point of view because not all users should be able to see each store's data.
Note that for restaurants to appear in the DOP, they must have a POS vendor set up in Sanity. More details on how to update restaurant details in this page: [DEPRECATED] Update restaurant information
While adding new users via the Digital Operations Portal, make sure to confirm the OKTAID defined in the Digital Operations Portal is fully matching the OKTAID of the user, including lower/upper case sensitivity. For example, creating a user for canton00 as Canton00 will result in an error when the user tries to log in.
Users with the View Products & Restaurants permission can:
View Products and Restaurants Sections
View the detail pages of products and restaurants
View the list of products, restaurants, and restaurant groups
Search & filter products, restaurants and restaurant groups
Users with the Edit Product Price permissions can:
Make pricing changes for different menu items, for different restaurants/restaurant groups, service modes (and later channels)
Use either the Editor or the CSV Upload capabilities for making pricing changes
Users with the Edit Product Availability permissions can:
Make different menu items available or unavailable, for different restaurants/restaurant, service modes (and later channels)
Use either the Editor or the CSV Upload capabilities for making availability changes
Market Onboarding
Please share information about the first admin user in the market with the development team (via reaching out to syildirim@rbi.com). This user will have access to all the restaurants in the region for a given brand (e.g. BK). The following information needs to be shared:
Okta ID
Upon receipt, the development team will add this user to the database and the admin user will be able to add other users, assign restaurants/restaurant groups to other users and define roles with a specific set of permissions. By default, any admin user will have all of the following permissions enabled:
The name of the role Admin and/or the exact set of permissions for that specific role can easily be edited in the Portal based on the needs of each market. For example, it could be called ‘Master FZ’ instead.
Each OKTA user can access the market version of the Digital Operations Portal for the country they are assigned to, managed on OKTA via FranCountry value. For example, if the user on OKTA has FranCountry = DE, then that user can only login to Digital Operations Portal for Germany. (This is a limitation the development team will soon remove.)
Authentication with Okta
To have access and be able to authenticate to the DOP App, the user needs to have the title assigned to their Okta account. These are the current list of DOP titles:
These tiles should be automatically available for FZs. In case it is not, a generic IT request can be raised mentioning the Digital Operations Portal - [Brand] tile to be added. For example:
Could you please provide me with access to staging and production instances of the Digital Operations Portal - BK Staging & Digital Operations Portal - BK Production?
If a given user is responsible for the operations in multiple countries, after authentication the user can switch the current market (region) by clicking on the country flag in the header bar:
If you are encountering an authorization error upon login, make sure to check the country flag on top right is pointing out to the right country.
User Change History Audit Trail
The Digital Operations Portal offers a capability to provide the audit trail for pricing and availability changes done by a given user. This capability aims to support franchisees for compliance and audit-related reporting requirements, and help troubleshoot potential issues. An overview of the capability could be seen below:
The data retention period for the history of changes is 181 days.
Account Password Resetting (via OKTA/FRUM)
Access to the DOP is currently controlled via OKTA (access management tool). Please note that the franchisees have to approach their regional manager that have a full admin account to create OKTA IDs for them. Any OKTA account must be managed by franchisees via FRUM (Franchise Restaurant User Management). You can find more informations about how to manage users here.
If your password expires, you might run into the following issue:
The password can be rest in FRUM (https://frum.rbi.com/ ).
Look up the user in FRUM
Reset the password