Order Receipts

Order Receipts



When in-store or online loyalty orders are placed, a receipt is printed out of the POS/Kiosk in that restaurant. This receipt can be modified with specific information about the rewards program in that order. In order to configure the content that shows in the receipt that is printed out of the POS/Kiosk, please navigate in Sanity to: Order-Level Content > Loyalty & Offers > Loyalty Configuration > Loyalty Transaction Receipts. For context, here’s an example of the Loyalty block in a printed receipt:

Order Receipts

Please read below to edit the content and all languages of the receipt fields that are printed by POS/Kiosk. Within a POS vendor there are always 3 dropdowns and all of these contain the same fields and have the same configurations available:

  1. Unclaimed order - unclaimed orders refer to orders that are done by guests that are not logged into loyalty. Please refer here for more information: Loyalty API v1 - Unclaimed

  2. Claimed order - claimed orders refer to loyalty orders that have been completed successfully. Please refer here for more information: Loyalty API v1 - Update

  3. Mobile order - deprecated field. Please disregard this field




The title of loyalty specific information in the receipt.

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The subtitle of loyalty specific information in the receipt.

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Points Earned Prefix

The prefix that will appear in the receipt before the number of points earned with that order.

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Points Redeemed Prefix

The prefix that will appear in the receipt before the number of points redeemed with that order.

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Total Points Prefix

The prefix that will appear in the receipt before the total balance of points the user has after completing that order.

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Identifier Prefix

The prefix that will appear in the receipt before the order identifier number. This will appear below the Total Points Prefix.


QR Code Link

The link to the QR code that shows in the receipt.

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Information that shows in the footer of the receipt.

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Guest Display

This field has been deprecated. Please ignore.

Operator Display

This field has been deprecated. Please ignore.



After all information has been added click on “Publish”. Once the document is published, the information inputted on each of these fields will be sent as a response to vendors based on the POS that is calling the loyalty APIs in the Update call response: Loyalty API v1 - Update



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