Technical refinement

Technical refinement

Repos that we’ll change

Whitelabel: https://github.com/rbilabs/intl-whitelabel-app

RBI Sanity Shared Schemas: https://github.com/rbilabs/rbi-sanity-shared-schemas

Whitelabel CMS: https://github.com/rbilabs/intl-whitelabel-cms

Figma: https://www.figma.com/file/sfH3mHXoEUfHbm5qMul0Vn/branch/GoVLc4x0gUZD9o6rna5biK/Popeyes?type=design&node-id=2988-77900&t=JyC6GSjXGNlwH92d-0

Solution overview

All the solution is based on the AddOn (add extras items) that already exists in the Whitelabel code! To make this work for our case will develop a generic feature that is based on some parts of the “Add extra” feature. We’ll use the useFeatureMenuAddOn and the useCartAddOns to make it easy and reduce the complexity of dealing with the cart orchestration:

  • We’ll use the AddOn document from Sanity and add a new toggle and object block (for service modes). This will make our feature generic and independent from the bag solution (take a look at the Sanity task for more details).

  • With this suggestion of implementation, we’re getting free all the order flow:

    • Receipt already implemented for extra items:

    • The implementation for the added extra item to the “Your cart” section

    • A modal to edit the extra item

    • The item added to the cart on the home page

  • The original “Add extra” feature working (that will give us what was shown above for free):


Figma and behavior

Figma was not made following the application consistency. I talked with our designers and we’ll follow the Upsell feature visual and behavior. Example of the Upsell behavior (visual styles and add/remove from the cart):

Layout position for desktop:

Your new sections and items will be above the “Add to Order” section. If the “Add to Order” is not enabled our feature will be in her place


Task summary

RBI Sanity Shared Schemas/Whitelabel CMS:

  • Task 1: Add a new toggle to show the addOn section as cart items and add service modes selection



  • Task 1: Create a new feature flag (enable-add-on-as-cart-item)

    • This flag will condition the exhibition of the new item in the cart.

  • Task 2: Update types and graphql after changes in the CMS repo

  • Task 3: Refactor UpsellItem comp to be a generic item for the cart

    • This item will be used in Upsell and in our new AddOnsItemsContainer

  • Task 4: Create the new component for AddOnsItemsContainer

  • Task 5: Add the AddOnsItemsContainer to the cart-content

Tasks breakdown

RBI Sanity Shared Schemas

Task 1: Add a new toggle to show the addOn section as cart items and add service modes selection

This toggle will be shown in the Whitelabel CMS but needs to be implemented in the Shared Schemas
We’ll have something like this


  • Toggle: this will help us on the FE logic to show in the cart (as cart items) only sections that have this toggle set as TRUE. Besides that, we’ll need to give to the user the power to choose in what service mode they want to show the items. If nothing is selected the section items will be available for all service modes.

  • Service modes: for this feature, the client wants to show the bag only for Mobile Ordering types. To make a flexible solution will add this on Sanity and the brand can choose what wanted.


For the field “Show section”:

  • Base interface:

    { title: 'Show section items in cart', description: 'All the items from this section will be available directly in the cart. The section name will be the header title', name: 'showSectionItemsOnCart', type: 'boolean', initialValue: false, hidden: () => ctx.isUS }
  • The hidden key will be important to not show the toggle for the US market

  • Use the validation field and add logic to show an error in Sanity if the toggle is ON but the user doesn’t select any mode (we changed what I showed in the video above to improve the UX)

For the “Service Modes” toggles:

  • Base interface:

{ title: 'Service Modes', description: 'If the the toggle "show section items in cart" is ON you need to select at least one service mode.', name: 'sectionItemsServiceModes', type: 'object', fields: [ { title: 'Pick Up', name: 'pickUpServiceMode', type: 'boolean', }, ... and so on ], validation: ..., hidden: hideIfNoShowSectionItemsOnCart, }
  • We need to use the hidden key here to hide this section if the toggle is off.

Suggested “name” for the others: driveThruServiceMode, curbsideServiceMode, dineInServiceMode, tableServiceMode.



To test this locally we’ll need to follow the steps in the Shared Schemas repo:

I really recommend that after opening the PR we ask @Posk, Mitchell (Deactivated) for a Code Review. He’ll help us to see if all is good with our changes!

Task objectives (DOD-like):

  • Add the new toggle and service modes section in the Shared Schemas repo and test locally with the Whitelabel cms

  • Open the PR and make the merge

  • After the update of the package Shared Schemas, update the package.json in the Intl-whitelabel-cms repo. Run the cms locally to see if the toggle will be shown in the AddOn Section (without using the yarn link). Open the PR for the Whitelabel cms.



Task 2: Update the graphql after changes in the CMS repo

  • Add the new interfaces in the add-on-section.graphql

    • Path: src/queries/sanity/fragments/add-on-section.graphql

    fragment AddOnSectionFragment on AddOnSection { ... showSectionItemsOnCart sectionItemsServiceModes { pickUpServiceMode driveThruServiceMode curbsideServiceMode dineInServiceMode tableServiceMode } }
    • yarn run apollo:generate

    • Clear the generated file just with the needed changes

  • Update the Interface for the use-feature-menu-add-on.tsx

    • Path: src/hooks/use-feature-menu-add-on.tsx

      export interface IAddOnSection { ..., showSectionItemsOnCart: boolean; sectionItemsServiceModes: { pickUpServiceMode: boolean; driveThruServiceMode: boolean; curbsideServiceMode: boolean; dineInServiceMode: boolean; tableServiceMode: boolean; } }
  • Some unit tests will break and we’ll need to adjust them

Task 3: Refactor UpsellItem comp to be a generic item for the cart

We’ll refactor the UpsellItem to be a generic cart item component and with this, we’ll be able to use this comp in the Upsell itself and also in our new component.

file: src/pages/cart/upsell/upsell-item.tsx


  • UI reuse and consistency

  • Our component and the Upsell will be dealing with items from Sanity. This UpsellItem already has all the logic to show important info from an item (like calories, price, and other info). Less complexity to think about

Architecture changes:

  • Before

Old folder structure
  • After

New folder structure


Task objectives (DOD-like):

  • Change the upsell-item.tsx em rename all the references of the word "upsell" to be "cart"... Ex: cart-item.tsx (instead of upsell-item.tsx)

  • Move necessary styles to the new folder cart-item

  • Remember to adjust the data-testid that already exists and the unit tests

  • Adjust the upsell.stories to use the new cart-item there

  • Good to have: remove the use of React.FC from there and type in the right way


Task 4: Create the new component for AddOnsItemsContainer

This component will be responsible to render the cart-item and also holding the integration with the hooks that we'll need (the container will also be responsible for the business requirements).

Used Hooks: useCartAddOns and useFeatureMenuAddOn

Used Components: cart-item.tsx from task 2.

This component will also have the tags and the styles to be able to render the title and item like the upsell that we have today:

One item example
Multiples items example



Organization example


POC code example (not finished… just part of the logic that we’ll need)

Task objectives (DOD-like):

  • Create the new AddOnItemsContainer

  • Use and integrate into the component the useFeatureMenuAddOn and the useCartAddOns hooks

  • Adjust the UI of the component to show the items and title as shown above in the “Add to Order” example

  • Condition to show the section only if showSectionItemsOnCart is TRUE

  • Condition to hide the section item if:

    • Section item was added in cart (cartEntries) and doesn’t have items after adding the last item

  • Hide the item after adding it to the cart (your cart). We’ll need to look at the cartEntries prop value

  • Condition to show section if service mode from sanity is null/undefined OR the selected service mode is equal to the checked ones from Sanity

  • Map the sections that have showSectionItemsOnCart = TRUE and pass the mapped value to the initialSelections in useCartAddOns (we can also use the updateQuantityForItem but I think that this path will be more complex)

    • Extend the handleAddToCart to receive the updatedItem as a param and add a new logic to not add all the initialSelections when we click to add a specific item to the cart

  • Implement the unit tests


Task 5: Add the AddOnsItemsContainer to the cart-content

This is an integration task.

The AddOnsItemsContainer will be added to the cart-content.tsx component.

File: src/pages/cart/cart-content.tsx

Test file: src/pages/cart/tests/cart-content.test.tsx


Adding the new component into cart-content


CSS Grid and items position:


  • Content style: src/pages/cart/content/index.ts

  • JavaScript logic to mount grid-template-areas: src/pages/cart/content/styles.ts

Content is the Grid father
Javascript to mount the grid-template-areas


  • Adjust the JavaScript logic to be dynamic based on the number of sections that will be shown in the cart

  • We’ll have a new item in the grid-template-areas but we don’t know how many items can be there. This will depend on what the user has chosen in Sanity configurations.


Task objectives (DOD-like):

  • Add the new comp in the cart-content.tsx

  • Condition the new component based on the feature flag created in Task 1

  • Add a new integration test on the cart-content test

  • Adjust the CSS GRID to be dynamic based on the sections configured to be shown in the cart as items

    • Adjust the unit test on src/pages/cart/content/tests/content.test.tsx


Behavior acceptance

  • Only sections with showSectionItemsOnCart = TRUE on Sanity should be shown in the cart

    • This will not remove the item from the original “+ Add extras” feature

  • If the feature flag is OFF all the features will be OFF

  • If the user did not select any service mode on Sanity we’ll show the section and item for all the available service modes. If the user selects one or more service modes on Sanity we’ll only show the feature for that options

    • For the “Bag with Handles” feature we’ll show only for “Mobile Ordering” but as this feature is generic we can just configure this on Sanity

  • The item should have the same style as the Upsell feature (title and button styles)

  • When we click to add an item the item should be sent to the “Your cart” section with 1x in the quantity and after that should not be shown in the cart as an item as before

    • If we click on the “remove” button on the added item in the “Your cart” section the item should be removed from the “Your cart” section and appear again in the cart section

    • If the section has only one item remaining the entire section should be hidden/removed from the screen

  • If the rendered section has only one item the visual should be as described above on task 4. If have more than one item the items should be presented horizontally with a scroll as the upsell feature

  • For this new feature, we are using a good part of the “AddOn” feature which means:

    • We don't need to deal with item updates after adding the first time on the cart. Your only objective here is to add the first item successfully)

    • We can’t edit directly the item quantity (doc of AddOn extras feature) (as in the upselll feature) because of the way that the “AddOn” feature works. The items will be considered “extra items” by the application and to be able to edit the item we need to click on the “edit” button and change the quantity in the extra modal

    • All the logic for the “reordering”, “receipt”, “receipt email”, and etc, are already implemented by the “AddOn” feature… we're getting it for free

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