Upselling, Add-Ons, Premiums & Recents

Upselling, Add-Ons, Premiums & Recents


The upselling capabilities aim to increase the average check by prompting a relevant set of options to the guests at the right place and time. ​​It doesn’t provide an option to upsize a meal (e.g. from medium to large meal).


The upsell grid appears immediately after the initial product is added to the cart, presented as a bottom sheet modal. This grid is designed to showcase all previously configured items in Sanity, allowing users to seamlessly add these products to their cart or opt to skip this step entirely.
Users have the option to bypass this grid by clicking the "X" button or selecting "No Thanks," which is a fixed bottom button.

Upon adding a product, the tile transforms to display options for adjusting the quantity or removing the item, accompanied by a confirmation message indicating that the product has been successfully added to the cart.


Configuring the Upsell Modal

Upsell configurations are managed under the Marketing Content → Features → Feature Menu folder in Sanity. The Feature Menu allows the operators to determine the set of menu products that will be displayed separately for pickup and delivery service modes. The order of the products in the applications would be the same as the order that is arranged in Sanity (e.g. from top to bottom):


The list of upsell items added is a static list - it is shown to the guests regardless of their previous purchase or items already in the cart. It is suggested to add between 6 to 8 items to provide sufficient upselling options while not overwhelming the guests.

Furthermore, operators could determine whether the Upsell Modal is displayed on:

  • The product detail page only

    • A modal with suggestions is shown after adding the 1st item to the cart (similar to the behavior in the kiosk)

  • The checkout page only

    • A carousel with suggestions is shown at the checkout

  • Both on product detail and checkout pages

This configuration is done via internal configuration. Please contact your Customer Success Manager to set it up.

Remember that you must first create items to be able to add them on the Upsell Modal - follow the Item guide if you haven’t done so already.

In the WebApp, the title of the upsell modal is commonly named as “Add to Order” or “Something Extra”. This can be customized in Lokalise.

Lokalise Translation Strings

You will have to work with the market or directly with the agency (if there is a designated one) in order to have the proper translations


  • upsellModalTitle (Text for Upsell Modal Title)

  • add (Button to Add the First item)

  • addedChip (Pop-Up Chip when an Item is added)

  • removeOne (Text for item removal)

  • upsellModalContinueToast (Toast for Continue Button Clicked)

  • continue (Button when Items were Added)

  • upsellNotNow (Button when no items were Added)

Upcoming Features in the Roadmap

Ability to:

  • Display different upsell lists per product and/or list of products

  •  Set a maximum number of discounted products to add

  •  Customize configurations based on service mode

  •  Change the order of products in the upsell list

  •  Control how often the upsell modal appears in the ordering flow

Upsell Rules on Guest Experience:

  • After a customer add a product to the cart, they may see an upsell modal with suggested products that can be added to order.

  • Products displayed on upsell may have discount depending on the item selected to be added to cart. (e.g: If Whopper Meal Large is added upsell modal should display snacks with discounts)

  • Products with discounts can be limited to prevent users from buying a high number of products with discount.

  • After users selecting the maximum limit of products from the upsell, the platform should not allow them do add more.

  • Products with discount should be displayed in the cart linked the main product, not allowing users to purchase it individually. If the main product is removed, all the upsell products linked to it are removed

  • Products displayed without discount can be displayed at the cart individually, not included together with the first product added.

Upsell Rules on Sanity

  • Operators must have the ability to configure a list of suggested products specific to each Combo Product, ensuring the relevance of upsell suggestions

  • Operators must have the ability to configure a list of suggested products at the Product Category level, with precedence given to specific Combo Product configurations.

  • Operators must have the ability to configure and prioritize the order in which suggested products are displayed for each Combo Product or Category

  • Operators must have the ability to configure the maximum number of suggested products a guest can add to the cart for each Combo Product

  • Operators must have the ability to configure how often the upsell modal will be displayed (After adding the first item, on every item, on items with upsell options, etc.

  • Operators must have the ability to configure different upsell rules for Delivery and Pick Up.

Sanity Upsell Feature


Cart Add-Ons will present guests with a button to add some extras to their orders. Unlike Upselling, where we suggest the guest to add typical items that complement an order (desserts, sides, drinks), here we typically add smaller items, such as Sauces, Condiments, or Cutlery.

Configuring the Add-On Sections

Within Sanity, navigate to Marketing Content → Components → Add-On Section.


  • Add the display name under the Name field and populate with items you would like to offer as an “Add-Ons”

  • Configure max amounts on items (2 options)

    • Group Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 sauces total per order”

      Adding a number here will put a limit on the group
Example of a Group based limit of 2 units
  • Item Based Amount Limit ex. “Max 3 of each sauce per order”

    Adding a number here will put a limit on the item level
Example of Item Based Limit of 1 Unit for Ketchup, while keeping the overall limit to 2 units

No availability checks are done for add-ons. Adding items as “add-on” assumes that these items are available on all service modes.

Best Practices Tip

If preferred, create new items/PLUs as add-ons so the brand can govern prices of those items without having to deal with the actual menu. This will also allow you to offer all or some of these extras for free, if that is your policy.

Add-on Enablement

Once you’ve configured the Feature Menu page in Sanity for add-ons, please reach out to your CSM representative requesting to enable the Add-On Feature.

Guest Experience

Guest now sees a button for “Add Extras”
This group of items has a group limit of 2 total (note +/- greyed out)
Clicking will show modal with items they can add - these group of items have an individual limit of 1 each
Since add on rules come from sanity, guest is not able to increment or decrease quantity in the cart. Clicking “edit” will pop the modal back up again


Displaying the recently purchased products to guests simplify the decision-making process by enabling them to seamlessly re-order, therefore improve the purchase conversion.

Configuring Recently Purchased Products & the Recents Tab

Whether Recent Items are displayed on the Recent Orders and the Menu page can be configured by operators. Guest experience examples could be seen below.

Recent Items Display Enabled

Recent Items Enabled in the Recent Orders Page. The “Recent Items” section appears above “Recent Orders”
Recent Items Enabled in the Menu Page


Recent Items Display Disabled

Recent Items Disabled in the Recent Orders Page
Recent Items Disabled in the Menu Page

These configurations are done via the Enable Recent Items Add to Cart and Enable Recent Items in Menu Launch Darkly flags. Contact your CSM to set up the preferred configuration.

In addition to the options above, whether the Recents tab should be shown to the guests can be configured similarly by your CSM.

Recent Tab Enabled

Recent Tab Disabled


Defining premiums is another opportunity for the brand to charge extra for part of the guest’s order. Premiums are either certain items within comboslots, or modifiers guests use to customize their order.

Premium Items in Comboslots

Is Premium Item toggle is used to set an item in the combo slot as an upsell option to charge extra for it. This toggle is available under the Combo SlotOptions document in Sanity (upon selecting a document click on options). These options are not under the item document as premium items are only relevant within the context of a comboslot within a combo.


An example combo slot structure would be:

  • Drinks:

    • Coke (Option)

    • Fanta (Option)

    • Sprite (Option)

    • Oreo Shake (Option - Premium Item)

This would make the Oreo Shake appear with the additional cost in our platform:



UI Example



UI Example








You can learn more about comboslots here: Meals (Combo & Combo Slot) | Configuring Combo Slots

The order of premium items can be configured to appear in the first position (e.g., before all other free options) by configuring the following feature flag: Feature Flag List | 1️⃣8️⃣ Enable premium options at first position. You may contact your CSM to enable it.

Pricing Premium Items

2 different pricing display options are supported for Premium Options within a Combo Slot. Please contact your CSM to configure these within Launch Darkly.

  1. Delta - Calculates the difference (Delta) between the selections A La Carte price and the combo slots default item price to display as the price for the combo slot when selected.

    1. Example: Medium Drink default option (Coca Cola) costs 3. Oreo Shake costs 5. When selecting Oreo Shake within the combo, customer is charged 2 extra.

  2. Direct - If the Combo Slot option is marked as premium it will price the items with A La Carte price when its selected inside a combo. When its not premium it's included in the combo for free.

    1. Example: Medium Drink default option (Coca Cola) costs 3. Oreo Shake costs 5. When selecting Oreo Shake within the combo, customer is charged 5 extra.

Note that these two options only impact the display of the price to our guests. The price calculation is made by the POS – please make sure that the POS pricing configuration follows the selected premium display option.

Premium Modifiers

Premium modifiers are configured via the Is Upsell Modifier toggle to charge extra for a given order customization. This toggle is available under the Item → Item Options document in Sanity:


Upon configuration, premium modifiers are shown with extra cost, an example below could be seen for an for Bacon and Extra Ketchup:

The extra cost will be depend on the PLU configuration. You can learn more about it here: PLU Management & Configuration | Modifier

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