Script test push to IOS

Note that it requires the key.p8 which was generated in Apple Developer portal

#!/bin/bash # To get curl with HTTP/2 and openssl with ECDSA: run 'brew install curl-openssl' curl=/usr/bin/curl openssl=/usr/local/opt/openssl/bin/openssl deviceToken="ENTER HERE DEVICE TOKEN" authKey="./key.p8" authKeyId="5LDMJW5L9X" teamId="MV75HK3DF3" bundleId="com.iberia.popeyes" endpoint="" #endpoint="" #endpoint="" read -r -d '' payload <<-'EOF' { "aps": { "badge": 1, "alert": { "title": "Helloo", "body": "Tudo certo?!!" }, "sound":"default" }, "_sid": "SFMC", "_od" : "menu" } EOF # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- base64() { $openssl base64 -e -A | tr -- '+/' '-_' | tr -d = } sign() { printf "$1"| $openssl dgst -binary -sha256 -sign "$authKey" | base64 } time=$(date +%s) header=$(printf '{ "alg": "ES256", "kid": "%s" }' "$authKeyId" | base64) claims=$(printf '{ "iss": "%s", "iat": %d }' "$teamId" "$time" | base64) jwt="$header.$claims.$(sign $header.$claims)" $curl --verbose \ --header "content-type: application/json" \ --header "authorization: bearer $jwt" \ --header "apns-topic: $bundleId" \ --data "$payload" \ $endpoint/3/device/$deviceToken