Lokalize process

Lokalize process


GOAL: It is essential to display text elements such as field labels, descriptions, and button labels in accordance with the user's selected language translation.


PROBLEM: The method for implementing this requirement does not have a fixed standard and should be assessed and determined in consultation with RBIberia. Lokalize or Sanity can be considered for this purpose.


The main challange is in the Lokalize process as the development team is responsible for creating a key for each content.



  1. Creating distinct keys for each content item and inputting them in English.

  2. Populating the content exclusively in English, the only language we are familiar with and Google Translate is not allowed.

  3. Send the completed page via email to our Product Owner once all the necessary components are in place for implementation.



  1. After we have done this, our Product Owner will be able to access Lokalize and add the content for other languages directly.


N.B.: If there is any impediment or impossibility for RBIberia to add the content, the Product Owner needs to request that we add it by providing the content for other languages.



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