Tech Discovery - Policy cover to contact

Tech Discovery - Policy cover to contact


Document Status




Document Owner(s)

@Capovilla, Evandro


@Augusto Romao, Vinicius
@Caes, Guilherme
@de Sousa Santos, Rodrigo
@Pereira, Filipa (Deactivated)
@Raffael Ciciliano Rossi
@Raphael Ferreira Gomes


Due to the GDPR, the customer must always be aware of how, where and who will have access to the data shared and with this a field will be added to the support forms with a translated text. This text will be filled in by the franchisee in sanity and with the appropriate translation fields, just as it works for the birthday and catering screen.

Birthday and Catering



Policy Cover field


Feature Flag - Temporarily

Suggested Name

Suggested Name


Follow the launch recommendations below:


Code Changes


Add the support policy cover in “fields” property

fields: [ ..., { title: 'Support Policy Cover', name: 'supportPolicyCover', type: 'array', of: [ { title: 'Privacy Policy Disclaimers Cell', name: 'privacyPolicyDisclaimersCell', type: 'privacyPolicyDisclaimersCell', }, ], validation: (Rule: RuleType) => Rule.length(1), }, ..., ]


Following the privacyPolicy implementation: src/queries/sanity/feature-birthday-and-catering.graphql

supportPolicyCover { privacyPolicyDisclaimersCells { disclaimerTitle disclaimerDescription disclaimerContent { locale: enRaw } border fontSize paddingTop paddingRight paddingBottom paddingLeft radius } }
{ ... const { ..., supportPolicyCover, } = data?.SupportData ?? {}; const isSupportDataLoading = featureIdsLoading || loading; return { ..., supportPolicyCover, }; };

Import the component below the form as birthday and catering feature: src/components/catering-birthday/client-information/catering-birthday-client-information.tsx

Optional: Create a SupportPolicyCoverContainer, SupportPolicyCoverDisclaimerBox and SupportPolicyCoverDisclaimerBox.








Open the support form and show the policy cover field

  1. Enable the feature flag

  2. Go to support page

  3. Select the reason for support

  4. The support form will appear

A policy coverage field should appear below the “Describe your problem” field.

Open the support form and not show the policy cover field

  1. Disable the feature flag

  2. Go to support page

  3. Select the reason for support

  4. The support form will appear

A policy coverage field should not appear below the “Describe your problem” field.

Open the support form and show the policy cover field translated

  1. Enable the feature flag

  2. Change the language

  3. Go to support page

  4. Select the reason for support

  5. The support form will appear

A policy coverage field should appear below the “Describe your problem” field with the text translated.

Open the support form, the support policy cover is empty in sanity and not show the policy cover field in support page

  1. Enable the feature flag

  2. Support Policy Cover is empty in Sanity

  3. Go to support page

  4. Select the reason for support

  5. The support form will appear

A policy coverage field should not appear below the “Describe your problem” field.


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