Test Strategy Document for Waylet Payment Method Integration

Test Strategy Document for Waylet Payment Method Integration

1. Objective

This document outlines the test strategy for integrating a new payment method, Waylet, via Paycomet. The goal is to guarantee a seamless integration that satisfies all functional and non-functional requirements.

2. Scope

  • Perform tests on a non-production test environment, e.g. Dev, QA or Staging.

  • Perform tests on the PROD environment.

3. Prerequisites - non-production test environment

3.1 WAYLET PRE-prod App


  • Waylet has a feature flag called Enable Waylet Paycomet which should be enabled.

  • If you do not have Launch Darkly access, coordinate with the development team to enable the feature flag before testing begins.

3.3 E2E Tests - Partners apps

In order to validate if the order was placed on the delivery app, the payment was approved or not, besides the WL app, you can access these partners' app:

  • RBI DMP.

  • Admin app tools.

  • Paycomet dashboard.

4. Test Cases


Test Case




How to execute

Expected result

Test Case




How to execute

Expected result



The new payment method is listed on the dropdown: Waylet

  1. FF on LD enable.

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the payment confirmation page.

  3. On the payment screen, check if the new payment method is displayed properly on the list.

  4. Check if the new option is available either via pick-up or delivery.

  1. The new payment method must be displayed as Waylet on the list.

  2. The new option is available either via pick-up or delivery.



The new payment icon

  1. FF on LD enable.

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the payment confirmation page.

  3. On the payment screen, check if the new payment method icon is displayed properly.

  1. The new payment method icon is displayed properly.



Successful Payment Transaction - Waylet - credit card

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. valid test credit card.

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the checkout page.

  3. On the payment screen, select the Waylet option.

  4. After the popup is displayed, select credit card.

  5. Place the order.

  6. Check if the user is redirected to the confirmation order page.

  1. The popup must be displayed.

  2. The user is redirected to the confirmation order page.



Successful Payment Transaction - Waylet - balance

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. Enough balance.

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the checkout page.

  3. On the payment screen, select the Waylet option.

  4. After the popup is displayed, select the balance option.

  5. Place the order.

  6. Check if the user is redirected to the confirmation order page.

  1. The popup must be displayed.

  2. The user is redirected to the confirmation order page.



Interrupt payment process with Waylet - Order not placed

  1. FF on LD enable.

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the checkout page.

  3. On the payment screen, select the Waylet option.

  4. After the popup is displayed, click to close the popup.

  5. Check if the proper message is displayed to the user.

  6. Check if the order was not placed.

  1. A proper message must be displayed to the user.

  2. The order must NOT be placed.



Payment failed - Waylet - Wrong credit card info

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. Invalid credit card

  1. Access WL web/app.

  2. Go to the checkout page.

  3. On the payment screen, select the Waylet option.

  4. After the popup is displayed, select a credit card with an invalid expiration date.

  5. Try to place the order.

  6. Check if the proper message is displayed to the user.

  7. Check if the order was not placed.

  1. A proper message must be displayed to the user.

  2. The order must NOT be placed.



E2E testing: The order was received on the Delivery app (RBI DMP, Airtouch)

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. Delivery app access

  1. Place an order with Waylet.

  2. Access the Delivery app and check if the order was placed properly with the new payment method.

  1. The order must be placed properly with the new payment method.



E2E testing: The order was received on Admin tools

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. Admin tool access

  1. Place an order with Waylet.

  2. Access the Admin app and check if the order was placed properly with the new payment method.

  3. Check if the payment status is “payment successful".

  1. The order must be placed properly with the new payment method.

  2. The payment status must be “payment successful".



E2E testing: The order was received on Paycomet dashboard

  1. FF on LD enable.

  2. Paycomet dashboard access

  1. Place an order with Waylet.

  2. Access the Paycomet dashboard and check if the order was placed properly with the new payment method.

  1. The order must be placed properly with the new payment method.







5. Ensuring Test Security

The payment service provider, Paycomet, uses the same communication infrastructure for both development and production environments. The only difference between these environments is the URL and keys provided to the psp-paycomet-service. This ensures that tests conducted in the development environment accurately reflect the conditions of the production environment.

However, in the production environment, all data entered must be genuine, as this information is rigorously validated by the banking operators. Any invalid data can cause transaction failures or security blocks.

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