[Opportunity] Show Order Phone Number in AdminTool

[Opportunity] Show Order Phone Number in AdminTool


What is the context and status quo of the opportunity


Problem Statement

Operational Inefficiencies Due to Lack of Access to Order Phone Number in Support/Admin Tool

In the existing system of the RBI Guest APP, users can enter a phone number at the time of placing an order that differs from the number in their profile. However, this order-specific phone number is not reflected in the Support Tool, which is critical for customer support operations. This oversight creates operational inefficiencies, as support operators are unable to contact customers on the most relevant phone number when addressing issues related to their orders.

The lack of access to the order-specific phone number significantly hinders the support team's ability to resolve customer issues quickly and effectively. This often results in increased call handling times, higher stress levels for support operators, and greater customer frustration. The ability to promptly reach a customer is vital for resolving issues such as delivery problems, order modifications, and payment disputes.

Not having the correct contact information readily available can lead to longer resolution times, negatively affecting order fulfillment rates and overall customer satisfaction. This gap in our system contributes to inefficiencies that ultimately impact the business's bottom line. Providing support teams with access to the order-specific phone number will enhance operational efficiency, reduce customer wait times, and improve key performance metrics, thereby elevating the overall customer experience across all Markets.

Target Audience

User Personas

  1. Support Operators

    • Needs: Access to all relevant customer contact information, including order-specific phone numbers, to resolve issues efficiently.

    • Behaviors: Frequently interact with customers to address queries, complaints, and issues; rely on the Support/Admin Tool to track orders and resolve problems.

    • Pain Points: Current inability to access order-specific phone numbers leads to increased call handling times and customer frustration.

    • User Stories:

      • As a Support Operator, I need access to the order-specific phone number in the Support Tool so that I can quickly contact customers to resolve their issues.

    • Scenario: A driver cannot find the customer at the delivery address and ask Support to get in contact with the customer. The support operator looks up the order in the Support/Admin Tool but cannot find the order-specific phone number. As a result, the operator contacts the customer using the profile phone number, which goes unanswered. This leads to delays, increased call handling times, and potentially loss on sales.

  2. Customers

    • Needs: Quick and effective resolution of issues related to their orders, especially when they provide a specific phone number for that order.

    • Behaviors: Place orders through the Whitelabel App, sometimes using a different phone number than the one listed in their profile for specific orders.

    • Pain Points: Frustration due to delayed issue resolution when support teams cannot contact them on the provided order-specific phone number.

    • User Stories:

      • As a Customer, I want the support team to contact me on the phone number I provided for my order so that any issues can be resolved quickly and without hassle.

    • Scenario: A customer provides a different phone number for their order because their profile number is temporarily unavailable. When an issue arises, the support team calls the profile number, leading to miscommunication and a delay in resolving the issue.

Expected Outcome

To address the identified problem, the proposed solution is to enhance the Support Tool by integrating a new feature to display order-specific contact information. This enhancement will ensure that any phone number provided at the time of placing an order is accessible to the support team.


  1. Display Order-Specific Phone Number in Support/Admin Tool

    • Rationale: This is the core requirement to address the problem statement. Access to the order-specific phone number will directly reduce call handling times and increase the efficiency of issue resolution.

    • Business Value: High. Directly impacts operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

  2. Dual-Contact Display:

    1. Rationale: Add fields within the Admin Tool to show both profile and order-specific phone numbers side-by-side for each order entry.

    2. Business Value: Medium. Enhances user experience for support operators, indirectly benefiting customers.

  3. Log Order Order-Specific Phone Number in Analytics

    • Rationale: Enhance Order data in Analytics.

    • Business Value: High. Gives observability over Order-Specific Phone Numbers.

Out of scope

  1. Save Order-Specific Phone Number in Customer Profile

    • Rationale: Facilitates Order-Specific Phone Number selection and reduces the need to re-validate using OTP.

    • Business Value: Inconclusive, has more value if customers need to validate using OTP but would not help to solve the issue at hand.

  2. Validate Order-Specific Phone Number using OTP

    • Rationale: Improves accuracy of the customer’s contact information but can generate attrition.

    • Business Value: Inconclusive, need to understand the impact on the ordering flow but can also help with frauds.

  3. Notify Operator: Implement an alert system that notifies support agents when an order-specific phone number differs from the profile number.

    1. Rationale: This will prevent agents from overlooking this crucial piece of information.

    2. Business Value: Low, having both phone numbers side by side reduces value of an alert.

  4. Search Functionality by Order-Specific Phone Number

    1. Rationale: Enables support operators to search for orders using the order-specific phone number, further facilitating swift issue resolution. This feature already exists in the Support Tool, when looking by an order-specific phone number the search returns links to customer profiles that have Orders with that phone number. There might be room for improvements but they are not a priority for 2024 Q4.

    2. Business Value: High. Improves the speed and accuracy of support operations.



Open questions

  1. There is a LD Flag to enable/disable the option to show the order phone number?

    1. No feature flags are planned currently as this solution does not impact any existing processes and does not significantly change the support tool UI.

  2. How the percentage of orders that have the order phone number different from guest phone number?

    1. We currently do not have this metric but it is possible to analyze, what is the goal of this metric?

  3. How the percentage of user with the guest phone number filed out?

    1. We currently do not have this metric but it is possible to analyze, what is the goal of this metric?

Success Metrics

Metric Title

How to Measure:

Success Criteria:

Metric Title

How to Measure:

Success Criteria:

Average Handling Time (AHT)

Measure the average time taken to resolve a customer support case.

A reduction in AHT, showing that support cases are being resolved more efficiently.












Stakeholder Interviews

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User Research

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Competitor Landscape


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