[DEPRECATED] Menu (Document)

[DEPRECATED] Menu (Document)

Order-Level Content → Menu → Menu


What is Menu?

In this document you can choose which sections/pickers/combos/items you want to be displayed in the frontend. You will likely display sections.


Note that the sections that have been added under ‘options’ are the same (and in the same order) as the ones we see on the frontend. To move sections up and down, please click and hold on the 6 little dots on the left of the section/picker/combo/item and drag them up or down.

In Sanity it should look like the below:


Which will reflect in the Front End like this:

Setting it up

To set up the menu you will need to click on the ‘create' button flagged in red below. Give it a name (eg: ‘Main Menu’ or ‘BK Menu’) and add the sections/pickers/combos/items) you would like your menu to display (we add mostly sections). You can add them by clicking on '+ Add item…' under ‘Options’.

If you haven’t created a section yet, please navigate to Section.


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