Push Notification - Change Android Icon


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Technical Refinement


We need to replace the push notification icon for Android version.

To Android code works, we needed to replace the images ic_stat_notify_large.png and ic_stat_notify.png

using the zip file images, into the following paths:

  • Attention: Be careful with the dimension of the images when you are replacing them:

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res :

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 36 x 36

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 36 x 36

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-hdpi :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 36 x 36

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-mdpi :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 24 x 24

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xhdpi :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 48 x 48

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxhdpi :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 72 x 72

    • native-assets/plk/es/android/app/src/main/res/drawable-xxxhdpi :

      • ic_stat_notify_large.png: 288 x 288

      • ic_stat_notify.png: 96 x 96

  • Don’t forget to rename every small icon to its original name: ic_stat_notify.png


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