How to configure GraphQL Playground
Did you know that it’s possible to test a graphQL query without configuring a new endpoint by Postman, not mentioning the permissions you should have because of compliance? Use Apollo Studio instead.
How to do?
First of all, click on the gear icon to configure the Connection Settings:
A modal will open, then you should input the endpoint starting with ‘https://’ and subscriptions starting with ‘wss://https://’, then click to save it.
Operating section
Change the graphQL query according to your needs in the Operation section / Add the Query and fields using UI:
query GetRefillDrinkQRCode($orderUpdateAt: String!, $transactionId: String!, $storeNumber: String!) {
getRefillDrinkQRCode(orderUpdateAt: $orderUpdateAt, transactionId: $transactionId, storeNumber: $storeNumber) {
Variables section
In the Variables section, add your JSON structure with the data for the request:
"orderUpdateAt": "2023-10-26T15:49:29",
"transactionId": "b9e14f43-f785-4281-9266-32b78b36be63",
"storeNumber": "1111"
The scenario above, for example, involves using data of an order like transactionId, orderUpdateAt, and restaurant identification.
Header section
In the Headers section, add the headers according to your task
In this case, it doesn't need an Authorization (Bearer Token), just the x-ui-language and x-ui-region attributes with the Spanish language.
Finally, click on the name of the query and see the result in the Response section