Template - Task update comment

Brief Description

This template will be used to help you write the details of your tasks to give more visibility on progress.

Not all tasks will need to contain this template, we recommend using them when we need to provide transparency about important topics

Icon Legends


  • Task assignment is done

In Progress

  • Task assignment is in progress with no blocker

On hold

  • Task assignment is on hold due priority change or waiting for changes

Next Steps

  • Task assignment is waiting for another task assignment to complete


  • The task assignment is being re-analyzed due to an issue found


  • The task assignment is blocked

Templates types

In Discovery/Design/Refinement


  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2

Tech Refinement

  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2


  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2

Solution Review (optional)

  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2

In Development


  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2


  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2

In Tests

Manual Test

  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2


  • Important reports #1

  • Important reports #2

Task Example

In Discovery/Design/Refinement

Acceptance criteria

done Discovery
done Tech Refinement
done Solution Review

Activity comments

10 minutes ago

Solution Review

  • Support data - <User tag> confirmed the document.

  • Loading component - <User tag> will update the figma.

  • Field with only one document - I'll validate with <User tag>

  • Add another QA scenario

  • Temporary flag - I'll validate how it should be created and update the solution.

1 days ago

Solution Review

  • Meeting scheduled


2 days ago

Tech Refinement

  • The tech refinement document has been finalized but still needs to be improved