Weekly Execution

Weekly Execution



Updating Weekly Execution


  1. Copy ‘Weekly Execution’ SharePoint latest week file, and rename to newest week: Digital Weekly Execution

  2. Open ‘Weekly Execution’ Databricks notebook: https://timhortons-dev.cloud.databricks.com/?o=2205369574251959#notebook/825063322191969/command/825063322192510

    1. Add 7 days to each of the date filters

    2. Run the whole notebook

  3. Open the new Excel file that you created

    1. App WAU tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Get WAU (column B) from: https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web/#/analysis/p305792990/edit/J3BUuXXQT5eAm0mTtKPFRA

      5. Get purchasing guests (column D) from “Purchasing Guests” section in Databricks notebook

      6. update the graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

    2. App Features tab

      1. In Excel, copy previous 5 rows and paste in following 5 rows, to update for the latest week

      2. Update the week number to latest week

      3. Take date from “Most Used App Features” section in Databricks notebook and paste in Excel

      4. Update the graph to reflect latest 4 weeks (make sure to update colours of the new bars)

    3. Digital Ordering tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Paste numbers from “Digital Ordering” section in Databricks notebook into latest Excel week

      5. Update the graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

    4. Digital Sales tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Paste number from “Loyalty Sales” section of Databricks notebook into column B in Excel file

      5. Update the graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

    5. Scan & Pay tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Update column E (S&P DT Rate) with DT Rate number from the ‘Scan & Pay Service Mode Split’ section of the Databricks notebook

      5. Update columns G and I with the numbers from the ‘Scan & Pay New User Split’ section of the Databricks notebook

      6. Update each of the two graphs to reflect the latest 8 weeks

    6. MO&P tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Update column B and C number from the ‘MO&P Service Mode Split’ section of the Databricks notebook

      5. Update columns F and H with the numbers from the ‘MO&P Users’ section of the Databricks notebook

      6. Update each of the two graphs to reflect the latest 8 weeks

    7. Kiosk tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Update columns B, C, F, and G from the ‘Kiosk’ section of the Databricks Notebook

      5. Update graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

    8. Catering tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Update all columns other than sales from ‘Catering’ section in Databricks notebook

      5. Get updated catering restaurant count from Colin Semple

      6. Update graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

    9. Delivery tab

      1. Insert row between latest week and PY YTD

      2. Copy down formulas from latest week to new inserted row

      3. Update PY and CY YTD numbers so that they both reflect the latest week

      4. Update 3P sales numbers using portals (Finding 3P sales on 3P Portals.docx)

      5. Update 3P restaurant count from ‘Delivery Rests’ section in Databricks notebook

      6. Update WL rest count from Bringg file that Colin sends out. Need to create a pivot table with all the data and count ‘Team Name’ column.

      7. Update graph to reflect latest 8 weeks

  4. Open PowerPoint file

    1. Add graphs to each of the corresponding slides

    2. Update row numbers in Delivery, Kiosk, and Catering slides

    3. Update callouts in each of the slides

    4. Update summary slides to reflect data in latest week

  5. Send out the deck

    1. Email deck to mailing list from previous week (non-live copy of the deck)

    2. Add summary into the email


Mail List





Igor Rahal Linkewitsch

Digital  & Loyalty

Justin Chang

Digital  & Loyalty

Linsey Liao

Digital  & Loyalty

Jennifer Tsang

Digital  & Loyalty

Rayand Ramlal

Digital  & Loyalty

Adrian Monk

Digital  & Loyalty

Lavanya Davluri

Digital  & Loyalty

Rainey Guo

Digital  & Loyalty

Tom Cryer

Digital  & Loyalty

Mark Toniolo

Digital  & Loyalty

Zahra Lakhani

Digital  & Loyalty

Zim Maizlin

Digital  & Loyalty

Colin Semple

Digital  & Loyalty

Sydney Milrad

Digital  & Loyalty

Katie Bull

Digital  & Loyalty

Arvind Babu Podichetti

Digital  & Loyalty

Gavin Sutton

Digital  & Loyalty

Meghan Kirkpatrick

Digital  & Loyalty

Shannon Torabi

Digital  & Loyalty

Philip Fogarty

Digital  & Loyalty

Victoria Quan

Digital  & Loyalty (Guest Care)

Jonathan Brown

Digital  & Loyalty (Guest Care)

Siobhan Van der Kley

Digital  & Loyalty (Guest Care)

Bill Lee

Product Management

Akash Tadikamalla

Product Management

Frances Lam

Product Management

Karthik Hiremath

Product Management

Lily Du

Product Management

Nicholas Kaegi

Product Management

Taha Rizvi

Product Management

Grace Jin

Advanced Analytics

Anirudha Porwal

Advanced Analytics

Gavin Fan

Advanced Analytics

Elmira Selimkhanova


Amit Nehra


Moe Afilal

Tech Eng.

Nathaniel Kessler

Tech Eng.

Farzeen Saleh

FS - Product

Koren Chou

FS - Product (GTM)

Sajanthan Veluppillai

FS - Product (GTM)

Nicolas Dinh

FS - Operations

Ricardo Frydman

FS - Operations (Analytics)

Brett Rideout

Sales Planning

Andrew Mills

Sales Planning

Ali Jones

Sales Planning

Pino Gatto


Annabella Gessen

Tims Gift Card



  • Link to folder :

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