Weekly Execution - Loyalty Slides

Weekly Execution 2024 Databricks Notebook


Weekly Execution Excel files

All files used for Loyalty Weekly Execution slides can be found in the Marketing Sharepoint
Folder location: Performance Analysis > Weekly Execution Meeting > Weekly Slides > 2024 > Week __ (whatever reporting week we are in) > Loyalty

KDS, Known Diner Spend Deciles Points Issued/Redeemed: “KDS & Points Wk __”

Comping Guests & Known Diner Segment Sales: “Comping Guest View Week __”

Offer AUVs by Category (& YoY): “Offer AUVs Wk __”

Offer Sales & Incrementality: “Offers Performance Wk __”

Loyalty Discounting (& YoY): “Discounting Wk __”

Loyalty Section Slide 1 & 2 - Known Diner Sales Penetration, Known Diner Penetration YoY Growth

  1. Open the Weekly Execution 2024 notebook and “KDS & Points Wk __” file

  2. In the Weekly Execution 2024 notebook, update the date widgets at the top left to reflect the current reporting week, in the date format “YYYY-MM-DD” (e.g. Week 37 should have START_DATE as 2024-09-09 and END_DATE as 2024-09-15)

  3. Run the following cells:

    1. SWS

    2. RRAMI

    3. KDS

  4. In the KDS & Points file “SWS & RRAMI” tab, add a new row for the new week. Update the columns that are in red text (K, M,N) using Databricks output. Drag down the other columns so that the formulas flow into the new row that you made.

    1. Column K: SWS (Databricks) → Update using Databricks “SALES” output from “SWS” cell

    2. Column M: Tickets → Update using Databricks “TRXNS” output from “SWS” cell

    3. Column N: RRAMI → Update using Databricks “RRAMI” output from “RRAMI” cell

  5. In the KDS & Points file “KD YoY” tab, update the columns that are in red text (C, D, E) using Databricks output. Drag down the other columns so that the formulas flow into the new row.

    1. Column C: KDS → Update using Databricks “SALES” output from “KDS” cell

    2. Column D: KD Tickets → Update using Databricks “TICKETS” output from “KDS” cell

    3. Column E: Known Diners→ Update using Databricks “GUESTS” output from “KDS” cell

  6. In the KDS% Chart tab, the graph should now be updated for the new week. Fix formatting and data label as needed. Copy & paste graph into the Known Diner Sales Penetration slide.

  7. In the KDS% Growth YoY Chart tab, click “Select Data” and select only the data for the most recent 12 weeks. Then click “OK”, the chart should now be updated. Fix formatting as needed. Copy & paste graph into the Known Diner Penetration YoY Growth slide.