• Done
  • Weekly Execution - Offers and Challenges

    We have used a different method to measure the impact of the offer for weekly execution.

     Key Highlights

    1. Data would be now for ALL RESTAURANTS and not STANDARD ONLY

    2. We account for all offer types ( Weekly targeted offer, Challenges, Triggered offers and even global offers)

    3. The way we measure incrementality has changed from in week offer user vs non offer users to Week over week , offer vs non offer users - see below for more details

    New Net of Control spend lift measurements


    Step By Step Process

    1. Check the offer IDs in the ‘OFFER LIBRARY’ section of the code in this notebook and run the entire notebook on Monday: https://timhortons-dev.cloud.databricks.com/?o=2205369574251959#notebook/2951651830674594/command/2951651830674675

    2. On Tuesday, this scheduled job runs (https://timhortons-dev.cloud.databricks.com/?o=2205369574251959#job/555457410070667) and will have the results available

    3. Open the latest Tuesday instance of the job run and get the latest week’s results

    4. Create a new folder for the week here: https://rbioffice.sharepoint.com/:f:/t/THDigitalandLoyaltyAnalyticsandOffers/EuRmJCs0_7tEi1xGTsWIgycBtotItb1VRwTU8D3oXeB6Lw?e=TJZYyT

    5. In Excel, add the latest results in the Data Tab and refresh the pivots

    6. Update the chats in PPT: https://rbioffice.sharepoint.com/:f:/t/THDigitalandLoyaltyAnalyticsandOffers/Em7zYFEEmwVJvyDxYaCYYlYBJT7OuNOOcMYYfXttXeL9zA?e=BCLebf

    7. Share results with the team

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