• Need Update
  • Points Bank - Loyalty 2.0 [OLD]


    This is the old method of tracking points and is no longer maintained, See below a comparison of tableau and the points table and look out for the new page for process and updates

    New Page :


    How to track Points bank for Weekly execution


    Here are the resources to be updated each week:

    1. Pull points data from Tableau https://reporting.rbi.com/#/views/PointsBankDashboard/PointsBankDashboard?:iid=1

    2. Run this Notebook (https://dbc-9601831d-0d70.cloud.databricks.com/?o=2399142386962378#notebook/2280035661040204/command/3618400030029503) and copy the data into the excel below

      1. This Notebook is on a scheduled job to refresh the tableau dashboard as well

      2. Job : https://dbc-9601831d-0d70.cloud.databricks.com/?o=2399142386962378#job/16033

    3. Excel to be updated : Points Bank Tracker.xlsx

      1. Update the data you get from notebook into this tab in Excel : Data - Points Dash Sum

      2. Refresh the pivot table with correct data ranges in this tab : Weekly Execution Slide

        1. Insert a Row in column E - J and copy the formulas into it

        2. Make any adjustments as necessary

      3. Refresh the chart on the page


    Known Diners - this data point comes from ??

    • Total Points = Base points + Bonus Points

    • Points Per guest = Total Points / Known Diners

    • All points are sum of daily for each week

    Since we lost access old env @Lavanya Davluri has a copy to the old notebook
