[DEPRECATED] Restaurant management

[DEPRECATED] Restaurant management

In the restaurant management page, you will be able to manage the restaurant settings, the delivery area from the restaurant as well as the drivers that will attend the restaurants.

Note that you will be able to see on the restaurants list, only the ones that your user has access to.

As you will see below, there are two difference places in the portal that you can see the Restaurant information like the Store Id, address, franchisee and status, as well as access sub-pages to configure the area, drivers and polygons.

Below are the instructions to access theses pages and also check the restaurant status. The restaurant status is an important point to validate if the Restaurant is ONLINE or OFFLINE inside the POS .


To check the restaurant status, there are two different ways to do this:

  1. Do your login with user and password:

2. Click on restaurants menu:

3. Check the status of the restaurants:

The second way to check the status:

It is possible to check going to DELIVERY > RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT:


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