[DEPRECATED] Invitation Code on Sign Up
- 1 Overview
- 2 How does it work?
- 2.1.1 Burger King
- 2.1.2 Popeyes
- 2.2 Events
- 3 How is it configured?
The Invitation Code on Sign Up feature allows existing users to have a section in their profile where they can find a referral code that can be shared with anyone. This code does not expire and can be shared as many times as wanted. New users can use their referral code to get a discount unlocked assuming the existing user fulfills certain set of steps (e.g. new users places the first order and with a minimum order of 10 euros). We hope to increase user acquisition and monthly active users with this feature
For Fraud prevention purposes we recommend having the new user complete an order with a set minimum spend before the discount / offer gets unlocked
How does it work?
Burger King
To see the events related to this feature, please refer to:
User Interaction events: [DEPRECATED] Sign In & Sign Up (Interactions)
Conversion events: [DEPRECATED] Sign In & Sign Up (Conversion)
Challenge events: [DEPRECATED] Loyalty & Offers Events (Conversion) | Quests / Challenges
Quest Activated
: event to track when the user (friend/referee) uses the invitation code. The benefit remains locked until the user completes all the steps defined in Challenges config.Properties:
: loyalty ID from existing app user (referrer - person who makes a referral).IncentiveID
: loyalty engine ID from benefit.
Quest Completed
: event to track when the user (friend/referee) completes all the steps defined Challenges config and benefit is unlocked. The user signed up with Invitation Code that was shared from existing app user (referrer - person who makes a referral).Buddy Benefited from Quest Completion
: event to track when the user (friend/referee) redeem the benefit. This event is triggered by existing app user (referrer - person who makes a referral).
How is it configured?
In order to enable the feature please follow the below steps
Lokalise Translation Strings
(the link in the menu that redirects the guest to the Invitation Code Page)invitationCodeCopiedText
(message the shows up when the Invitation Code is copied)shareInvitationCodeMessage
(message that goes in the share code message)shareInvitationCodeGeneralError
(message that appears when the guest’s browser doens’t support the share Web API)
Sanity Setup
Content will need to be set up in the
Feature Invitation Code
folder in Sanity (Marketing Content > Features > Feature Invitation Code)To turn on the Feature for the specific market and environment ensure the
Enable Invitation Code on Sign Up Feature
is turned onUnder
Dropdown configure all the content that will show in the Invitation Code page in the user's Account Section
Modal after Signing Up with Referral Code
dropdown, configure the content to show in the modal after a new user signs up using an Invitation code
Note: The image shown on the modal is the image configured within the Challenge
Modal when user successfully unlocks Invitation Code Benefit
dropdown, configure the content to show in the modal after new user unlocks Invitation Code Benefit to show for both existing user and new user
Note: The image shown on the modal is the image configured within the Challenge
Under Content, inside the Invitation Code Benefit Challenge benefit, add the content related to the
Locked Offer
, which will be shown in the offer’s list when the user does not yet meet the challenge requirements.
Under Mechanics add the
Config Challenge
the user must complete in order to unlock the Invitation Code on Sign Up benefitMore information on Challenges here [DEPRECATED] Challenges
It needs to be a
Config Challenge
given this challenge will only be available for users that use Invitation CodeIn the config Challenge you can set the rules for the user to unlock the benefit and set what is the benefit (e.g. the below example means that user needs to complete a first order with minimum spend of $10 to unlock an Offer of 50% off)
The rule Number of Uses needs to be set to 1, so the Offer benefit only gets unlocked once for the existing user that referred his friend and the new acquired user
If the Benefit is an Offer the Offer needs to be a
Config Offer
(to just show to specific users)The offer cannot be listed in Live Offers under
Sorted Systemwide Offers
section as well. It can only be listed in Live Offer underLive Config Offers
sectionThe English translation name needs to be added to the Challenge, or else it will not work