[DEPRECATED] Feature Memberships
The RBI app can now support memberships with external companies. Once the guest links the membership in the app, he unlocks an exlusive coupon. This feature provides an opportunity to increase user acquisition and sales by partnering with other third party’s partners.
The documentation below will outline the configuration for partner Blue Light Card. Blue Light Card (BLC) provides those in the NHS, emergency services, social care sector and armed forces with discounts online and in-store in the UK. Burger King UK believes working with Blue Light Card to unlock discounts in the app for BLC members will drive incremental sales and is also a very positive PR message.
Note: if you would like to work with a new membership/partner in your market, please reach out to your respective CSM.
How does it Work?
To see the events related to this feature, please refer to:
Conversion events: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COG/pages/4309844301
How is it configured?
In order to enable the feature please follow the below steps
Lokalise Strings
Sanity Setup
In Sanity, go to Marketing Content > Features > Feature Memberships > Memberships
Create a new membership page
For the
Internal Name Membership
please make sure to reach out to your respective CSM to get the specific Partner name you will be using.In the
Membership Name
input, add the name that will show to users in memberships
The Test Only toggle serves for when operators would like to test the membership feature only in lower environments. If the Test Only toggle is set to true, then even if the membership is accidentally migrated to Production it will not show for users
In the Membership Integration Type select how the membership integration will be done.
Internal: The user will be prompted to fill in the required information within the app.
External: Users will be prompted to link their partner account outside the app.
In the case of Blue Light Card, it is an Internal Integration because after the user sees the page that explains the membership he is taken to an internal page within the app to input his credentials.
If this was an External Membership Integration, then the user would be redirected outside of the app to input their credentials.
Under the dropdown Membership Page Configuration, you can configure the page that is displayed when the user accesses the Membership page for the first time. They can do so either through the Membership List on the Account page or by clicking on a marketing tile on the homepage. In this page you can configure:
Information Widgets (we recommend showing 2-3 in the page)
Link Account Button Text
Link Account Button Path
Note: The path that links directly to this Blue Light Card Membership page is /account/memberships/details
In the dropdown Internal Integration Page Configuration, you can configure the button text of the Internal integration page. The Internal Integration Page is prompted after the user selects the Link Account Button on the Membership Page.
This step is only relevant if "Internal" is the chosen integration type on Step 6
Under Membership Benefit, select the offer you would like to grant to your guest if he successfully links his Membership within the BK App.
This offer needs to be a Config Offer given this offer will only be available to users that link their membership successfully.
Under the dropdown Modals Content, configure the content displayed on modals when users are linking their membership account with the app.
In each modal, you can configure:
Title of the Modal
Description of the Modal
First Modal Button Text
First Modal Button Path
Second Modal Button Text
Second Modal Button Path
The modals to configure are:
Activation Success Modal: this modal shows to the user when they have successfully linked the membership account in the App
Benefit Activation Pending Modal: this modal shows when the Membership Offer is already assigned to the guest account and has not been used by the guest yet.
Membership Account Link Failure: this modal shows when there was a failure to link the membership account to the user’s account in the app. This likely indicates an error coming from the partner when trying to link the accounts.
Membership Offer Assignment Failure: this modal shows when there was an error with Offer: either the offer was not assigned successfully or is not available. This error likely indicated the issue is on RBI /FZ side.