Gamification Offer Assignment via Brame

Gamification Offer Assignment via Brame


This guide will run through how to configure a Brame gamification campaign and how it shows in the guest app. Please ensure your market has a valid contract with Brame and reach out to your designated CSM to setup a new contract.

How does it work?



Event Name




Event Name




Offer Assignment

When a prize offer is assigned to a guest


  • Status: successful or error

  • Partner: [Partner name, e.g. Brame]

  • Duration (ms): Time to assign the offer

  • engineID: Loyalty engine ID of the offer

  • Reference: Optional field where the partner can send the reason for the request (E.g. Whopper Prize)

  • UserId: Loyalty Id of the guest

  • ErrorDescription (only if status=error): The specific error that happened during assignment

How to configure it?

  1. Create an iFrame campaign in the guest app that redirects guests to Brame iFrame URL. Please follow this guide: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EGMT/pages/4023648754

  2. Login to your Brame dashboard: https://app.brame-gamification.com/login

  3. In Brame dashboard home screen, click on Configuration Icon

image (199).png

If you want to configure the Campaign for a specific Localization, you need to switch the Localization to the one you need. For example, if you want to configure for the de Localization, you need to switch to de as the following screenhot shows, then conduct the next steps configuration, like the Results. Otherwise the Localization url won’t work, the game is played, but the Offers or Points are not assigned.

  1. Click on Results

In the Wheel section you can configure the background color that will show for each prize in the spin the wheel game. If you are leveraging a different game with Brame, then this will not be relevant.

image (200).png


  1. In the Results section configure all the potential prizes, image and description that will show in the guest app when the guest wins that prize

image (201).png
  1. When the operator clicks on editing a prize they can configure a prize that assigns an offer and click on Save. This will show in the guest app after the guest has spun the wheel and won a prize. In the Brame dashboard operators can configure:

    1. Result Title – this is the internal name used to identify this prize

    2. Image – this is the image that shows when guest wins this prize

    3. Result Description – this is the description that shows when guest wins this prize

    4. Integrations – for assigning loyalty points this needs to be set to BK Offers

    5. Identifier – this is the Loyalty Engine ID of the offer from Sanity. This corresponds to the offer that will be assigned to the guest if they win this prize.

      1. This will correspond to the engineID property in the Offer Assignment event

The offer needs to be a personalized (or config) offer so that the offer only shows to the guest after the guest plays the Brame game and wins an offer. Follow this guide to create the offer: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COG/pages/4902027448

  1. Value – this is the identifier that is sent to the guest app and that will be seen in reporting of the campaign to understand which prize and which campaign was sent from Brame

    1. This will correspond to the Reference property in the Offer Assignment event

WIP by Brame to reflect the Reference, engineID and Points Earned in the Brame dashboard

If the Offer is not correctly configured in Sanity or if the offer PLUs are not available in the POS system of the market, then the offer will not show in the offer list of the guest.


image (203).png


  1. When the guest in the guest app wins offers, then the guest will be redirected to the offer list page and the won offer will appear on the top of the offers list.

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