Support Offers

Support Offers



This document describes how operators can create offers that can be used in the Support Tool and can be assigned to guests. Support agents can assign this to specific guests when complaints come in by using the support tool.

Configuration steps

In order to configure a support offer, you will need to create an offer template. Then you can link a specific personalized (or config) offer to this offer template.

Step 1: Create an offer template

Offer templates provide a ‘template’ for what an offer should look like. They are one half of a personalized/config offer. They do not define an offer benefit or offer rules independently - those come from Personalized (or Config) Offers . They define personalized content and the list of rules that the loyalty engine will be expecting from the personalization engine.

Note: n Sanity Offer Templates are located in Order-Level Content > Loyalty & Offers > Incentives > Offers > Offer Templates.


  • Notice that no mechanics are required. This is because it is possible for the loyalty engine to define all of the config for this section. However it is best practice to set some required rules.

Config Offer

  • This is where you can link one of the Personalized (or Config) Offers you created. Anything that is a config offer will show up. You can search a config offer’s sanity ID in this dropdown. Any config offer you set here will be the default for this offer template.


Required Rules

  • You must turn on the toggle for Date Band and Max Redemption

Support offers must have the date band and max redemption rules set in required rules. These are also the only rules that can be set for support offers.



Template Type

  • Select Support Offers.

Selecting Support in this toggle will make this offer available to agents in the support tool.





Input the name you would like the support agents to see for this offer. Normally, the same name as what is inputted in the config offer is inputted here.



Internal Name

Input the internal name to be able to identigy the offer in Sanity and with internal teams. Normally, the same internal name as what is inputted in the config offer is inputted here.



Input the description. Normally, the same description as what is inputted in the config offer is inputted here.


No other fields in the content section need to be filled in for support offers.


Step 2: Create the config offer and link it to the offer template


Step 3: Publish the offer template

Support agents will now be able to see the support offer show in the support tool and to assign this offer to guests.



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