Feature - Drivethru QR code on the app
This is a template that should be used to document each feature. It’s meant to be easy, not prescriptive - change it at will!
Table of contents
- 1 Table of contents
- 2 Definition
- 3 Open questions
- 4 Requirements
- 4.1 Problem statement
- 4.2 Acceptance criteria
- 4.3 Success metrics
- 4.4 Assumptions
- 5 Solution
- 5.1 Scenarios
- 5.1.1 Scenario 1: xxx
- 5.2 Design
- 5.1 Scenarios
- 6 Development
- 7 Release
Status | NOT STARTED |
RBIberia Owner |
RBI Owner |
Open questions
We need to constantly make this section empty.
Problem statement
Customers have difficulties to read this QR code
User needs to ask team member to look up for their order in the POS, which negatively impacts Speed of Service ad the overall user experience. Additionally, there’s fraud risk (customers could try to claim somebody else’s order)
Acceptance criteria
Drive thru order is sent to the kitchen after user app QR code is read by the store
Success metrics
POS allows for firing orders to kitchen at demand
RBI can dictate content of the QR code
Once order is fired to the kitchen, the app inform that the order is being prepared, but will not control the order status.
Store will be able to read the QR code and trigger the order to the kitchen
Customers have difficulties to read this QR code
Customer makes an order with the app to take it at some store
Customer goes to the store, in the auto location, and reads a generic QR code. That’s a link to trigger the order to the kitchen.
Solution: Instead of forcing customer to read a QR code, the stores will read QR codes from the customer’s app. If the store doesn’t have QR code reader, the customer can inform the attendant the loyalty number.
Whitelabel-INTL (EMEA):
Reference: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/browse/RFEC-392
Confluence: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IN/pages/3942384111
Original version (Feb-23) :
We have the following reference in the original EMEA backlog, which now should be adapted, so that QR code will not be read by the app anymore. Instead, the app will generate a QR code based on the customer identification (loyalty) that will be read by the store:
Feature | Scan QR code for driver thru order injection |
Description | Inject drive thru orders into kitchen upon scanning a QR code in the drive thru lane |
Purpose | Timely kitchen injection for DT orders. DT = Drive Thru |
User value | Easy and reliable way to let platform now that user is at the store and order can start being prepared |
Not doing |
Expected Launch |
Effort High Level Estimation (Drive-Thru → Autoking):
1 sprint for both design + refinement
1 sprint for development
Note: these are high-level scenarios that must pass testing before we can release the feature. They should also be used to drive design. Note that we do not specify user interface details in these steps - that is deliberate so that we focus on the process and not on the UI since the UI can change throughout design and development.
Scenario 1: xxx
Steps | Expected results |
Do this | Expect that |
Figma design here: [insert link]