Feature - Partnership between Amazon Prime and RBI

Feature - Partnership between Amazon Prime and RBI

Table of contents




Dedicated team PM

Andrea Ruani

Dedicated team Tech lead

Raphael Ferreira Gomes

RBIberia Owner

Paula Winter

RBI Offers setup Owner

Carlos Silva

RBI Membership configuration WL

Carlos Silva

RBI API integration review




Open questions / Pending points

We need to constantly make this section empty.





Problem definition

Problem statement

RBI Iberia is facing a challenge related to the increase of new user sign-ups. This challenge is magnified by the elevated competition especially from the marketing side and the evolving expectations of users in today's food delivery ecosystem.


By forming a strategic partnership with a well-established and recognized player in the industry, RBI aims to tap into their existing user base and brand recognition providing an increase in terms of new users acquisition.

Common benefits of strategic artnership are:

  1. Access to a Wider Audience: Partnering with a major industry player would provide RBI with direct exposure to their extensive user base, helping to reach a larger and more diverse audience.

  2. Credibility and Trust: Leveraging the credibility and trust associated with RBI partner's brand can enhance our platform's perceived reliability, potentially easing user adoption barriers.

  3. Cross-Promotion Opportunities: Collaborative marketing efforts and cross-promotions could result in more effective outreach and engagement, creating a synergy that attracts users from both sides.

Success metrics

a) User Growth Rate

b) Conversion Rate


WL Solution

The initiative revolves around a seamless integration with well-established partners, offering exclusive advantages to its members. This solution is structured in the following section:

  1. Standard Layout for the Landing Page (OUT OF SCOPE, managed by Amazon with Iberia)

To effectively communicate the benefits of this partnership, RBI will design a dedicated landing page following a standardized layout. This landing page will present the value proposition of the partnership, emphasizing the exclusive advantages available to the partner's members. The layout will feature clear visuals, concise messaging, and intuitive navigation, ensuring seamless user comprehension.

  1. API Integration:

The core of this integration lies in the seamless connection between RBI platform and the partner's services through API integration. . This integration will enable immediate access to the partner's membership data, validating user eligibility and extending the promised benefits in real-time.

The account linking will happen through a code generated in the Amazon domain that needs to be redeemed in the Pre validation step before login (see below). Documentation of the Code Offer here and the Login with Amazon here

Data that will be shared are:

  • Name

  • Email

  • Phone number

  • Amazon Prime status


  1. Pre-validation step before login

In this stage the user will be sent through a deeplink from the Amazon page to a static page in BK ES where it’s possible to redeem the code previously generated. The user will have 5 minutes to finalize the redemption.

Here it will be clarified the main doubts regarding the collaboration (F.A.Q.)

It’s important to highlight that the email to access need to the same as the Amazon login: it means that, in case of a different email, a new account will be created with the consequence that the user will have 2 accounts and also cannot access his advantages like loyalty points.

– Coupon code redemption –

Refence here → [DEPRECATED] Offers https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FEP/pages/3500998755 https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/L/pages/2382528539

AUTO-LOGIN: In order to make the process smooth and due to the fact that all the mandatory informations are collected (name, email, phone), it’s supposed to skip the validation process and bring the user to the offer page without any extra step.

Iberia reviewed Amazon fraud policies and agreed to go ahead.

It’s important to understand the feasibility of this part.


  1. Membership Design and Tech Solution in the App https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EGMT/pages/4316692489 https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/EGMT/pages/4279140565 (developed by Engagement team).

A new Membership section will be included in the app and it will be composed by:

a) Offer highlighted: Special emphasis will be placed on promoting this partnership on the offer page through a banner that will remind the value of the offer. It will be generated also a banner in the checkout.

b) New Membership Page: A dedicated membership page will be added with the goal to showcase the collaboration between RBI and partners.

Even if it’s not in our scope, as a reminder we need to provide a deeplink to Amazon in this section if the user wants to connect or desactivate the campaign.


  1. Amazon Social Login

Even if the Amazon Social Login is not providing infos about Amazon Prime, it’s a feature that the needs to be implemented to provide value for Amazon



Key Features and Benefits:

  1. Discounted Delivery for Amazon Prime Members: Amazon Prime members will be entitled to free delivery for orders over 10 euros, compared to the standard threshold of 20 euros for non-Prime customers. This offer is valid for services related to delivery only

  2. Personalized Percentage Discounts: In addition personalized percentage discounts in the shopping cart for Amazon Prime members will be included. The discounts will be based on the purchase channel, ensuring that Prime members receive tailored incentives. (TBD)


Campaign details:

  1. The campaign last until the end of the campaign (1 year from starting date) and it’s composed by 2 different timelines

a) “Activation” = related to the social login activation: 3 months

b) “Campaign = deadline benefit: end of the campaign



Figma of the Airtouch solution: https://www.figma.com/file/Q39Fl6jJL1nCudZtXgLq3S/BK---Amazon-Prime-%3E-Cliente-Temporary?type=design&node-id=425-4136&mode=design&t=rZNmTVfFCFV80KKA-0

Offer active
Amazon Prime active but less than 10€ → no discount


Figma design here: https://www.figma.com/file/2JM4maJEroKuAE211ol2oa/BK---Amazon-Prime-%3E-Cliente-%3E-Amazon?type=design&mode=design

Architectural Diagram

Diagram here: Tech Discovery - Amazon | Sequence Diagram



  • Development ready before BK ES launch


Acceptance Criteria

  • Only Amazon will have a landing page to show the information about the promotion

  • BK ES must be able to validate in Amazon Prime the status of the customer

  • Amazon Prime should share full name, phine number, email and “Amazon Prime Status”

  • The system needs to check the “Amazon Prime Status” every login of time to validate the user is still an Amazon Prime member

  • The offers must be configurable and to allow:

    • Free fee delivery for a purchase of X€

    • Products with a special price

    • % of discounts in products or cart

    • Define the channel like HD, MO, Kiosk and POS

  • Promotion has an “Activation” deadline and a “Campaign” deadline

  • The exclusive offers can be used with other offers.

  • The exclusive offers are availble to the customer during campaing deadline.

  • The campaign deadline is started from the day of activation of each customer with the Amazon Prime status

  • The campaign works for HD, MO, POS and Kiosk


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