Service paused and Reduced Area

Service paused and Reduced Area

Table of contents




RBIberia Owner

Paula Winter

RBI Owner

@Raphael Ferreira Gomes

Figma Link




Problem statement

  1. Need to improve communication for each scenario of the paused service or not available due to reduced area

  2. Avoid losing sales redirecting users to other services or offering other solutions such as discount codes

Acceptance criteria

  1. If the restaurant service is paused, the customer should receive a customized message for each of this cases:

    1. Weather

    2. No driver available

    3. Street closed

    4. Volume of orders

    5. Technical issues

    6. Restaurant schedule

  2. The customer should receive a customized message if the restaurant is unavailable due to reduced capacity

  3. The customized messages should appear if the restaurant is unavailable for the reasons listed in 1 or 2, or become unavailable in this three pages:

    1. Store locator

    2. Cart

    3. Checkout

  4. In all cases, if pick-up service is available, it should be added a button to send the user to this type of service to avoid losing the sale

Reduced area with backup should be validated if it’s the same as “Master restaurant” feature

Out of scope

  1. Showing customized messages outside the store locator page

  2. Adding Lokalize translations for customized messages (Iberia). However, the Lokalize keys are our responsability.

Success metrics / Data & Events



  1. The solution should be agnostic and independent from the DMP used

  2. The solution should be generic for all the markets



Note: these are high-level scenarios that must pass testing before we can release the feature. They should also be used to drive design. Note that we do not specify user interface details in these steps - that is deliberate so that we focus on the process and not on the UI since the UI can change throughout design and development.

Scenario 1: xxx


Expected results (example text)


Expected results (example text)


Es climatológicamente imposible llevar tu pedido como quisiéramos. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre. Intentaremos restablecer servicio en los próximos 10 minutos. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

No driver available

No hay disponibilidad para llevar a tiempo tu pedido. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre.Te avisaremos cuando el servicio se restablezca. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

Street closed

Estás geolocalizado en un área de reparto cortada. Nos es imposible llevar tu pedido como quisiéramos. Sentimos no poder atender a tu hambre. Te avisaremos cuando el servicio se restablezca. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

Volume of orders

Demasiados pedidos en la parrilla. Ahora no podemos llevar tu pedido como quisiéramos. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre. Intentaremos restablecer servicio en los próximos 10 minutos. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

Technical issues

Un fallo técnico no nos permite llevar tu pedido como quisiéramos. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre. Intentaremos restablecer servicio en los próximos 10 minutos. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

Restaurant schedule

Hemos apagado la parrilla. Mañana la volvemos a encender. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre. Te avisaremos cuando el servicio se restablezca. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.


Generic delivery unavailable error.

Reduced area

The delivery service is temporarily unavailable, please try again later


  • Fallo conexión a internet. -> Un fallo técnico no nos permite llevar tu pedido como quisiéramos. Sentimos no poder atender ahora a tu hambre. Intentaremos restablecer servicio en los próximos 10 minutos. Atentamente, BURGER KING®Atención al cliente.

Impact on Delivery Partners

To show the right error page for each scenario RBI Platform will need to receive the detailed reason why the delivery is unavailable. Therefore, the partners will have to return the error codes listed below in the following two endpoints:

Valid error codes:






Too many orders


Technical issue


Preparing to close


Weather issue


Road issue


Lack of drivers


Restaurant is operating at reduced capacity


  • DMP reasons for pausing the delivery:

  • Homeria reasons for pausing the delivery:

  • Current Spain app delivery paused page:


Figma design here: [insert link]


Check the dependency with Homeria to understand if it’s needed an effort on their side


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