[Test Cases] Admin Tool - Loyalty Balance Information

Test Case

Agent should be able to check total Loyalty Points balance information


Admin Tool

Feature: Loyalty Balance Background: Admin Tool Home Page Given I have accessed the Admin Tool Home Page When I search for a guest name or email Then I should be able to check his user information Scenario: Agent should be able to check total Loyalty Points balance information Given I have accessed guest's loyalty information Then I should be able to check its current Points Balance

Test Case

Agent should be able to validade points history per order


Admin Tool

Feature: Loyalty Balance Background: Admin Tool Home Page Given I have accessed the Admin Tool Home Page When I search for a guest name or email Then I should be able to check his user information Scenario: Agent should be able to validade points history per order Given I have accessed guest's loyalty information Then I should be able to check its balance history per order

Test Case

Successful order using Loyalty Points credit should debit points from current balance information


Admin Tool

Feature: Loyalty Balance Background: Admin Tool Home Page Given I have accessed the Admin Tool Home Page When I search for a guest name or email Then I should be able to check his user information Scenario: Successful order using Loyalty Points credit should debit points from current balance information Given I have accessed guest's loyalty information And he recently have made a new purchase using its loyalty points Then I should be able to check this order history And its balance should have subtracted the used points

Test Case

Successful order should credit new points to current balance information


Admin Tool

Test Case

Cancelled order should not update current Loyalty Balance information


Admin Tool