[Opportunity] Detailed payment error messages
Document Status | IN Design |
Document Owner(s) | @Pereira, Filipa (Deactivated) |
Reviewers | @Raphael Ferreira Gomes @de Sousa Santos, Rodrigo @Hellen Rodrigues Magalhaes @Almeida, Gabriel |
What is the context and status quo of the opportunity
There’s a common effort and focus from the INTL fulfillment team to manage the errors on the platform. These are the ongoing threads.
The goal is to be able to be able to easily identify which errors are happening and the root causes, so that in the future, actions can be taken to reduce or to mitigate these errors are possible. It means with generic messages and with specific error messages, as proposed in Payments Error codes & solution page.
Problem Statement
Summary of the opportunity's’s main findings and what is going to be addressed
During the payment customer journey, errors may happen and it’s important to guide customers at these moments to ensure customer transactions completion.
However, during the pain point analysis, we found out that sometimes the messages are not clear or are too generic, which leads to customers' confusion and frustration.
Aligned with the INTL transactions team to improve the error handling on the platform, we can improve the messaging associated to these errors in order to have a direct impact on the customer journey.
Expected Outcome
What are the goals the opportunity is going to address
For this first deliverable, we will focus on:
Payment error messages
Paycomet PSP only
Error messages associated to the pre-autorization section and the payment processing
As the INTL team is working on the backend to improve the error codes, the Iberia dedicated team will work on the front-end scope of this feature to display the messages to the customers based on this new error code system.
So, it’s expected that for each error code, a new detailed message is shown to the customer with clear details and, if possible, a CTA (call to action) to improve the transactions conversion.
Success Metrics
Increase payment conversion after the error message trigger
Open questions
Stakeholder Interviews
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User Research
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Competitor Landscape
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