Feature Navigation
Marketing Content → Features → Feature Navigation
This feature requires activation from the RBI team, in the flag Enable Sanity Web Navigation.
What is the Feature Navigation?
It allows you to edit all your navigation related menus.
Setting it up
Navigation Desktop
Navigation Links
You are able to add navigation items, one by one.
The only two fields that need to be filled are Text and Link, which will create a navigation entry for your desktop website.
About Menu Entries
For the About Menu Entries, you can choose to either add a Page or a Section.
Navigation Mobile
Navigation Tabs
Tab Icon
Define the icon for this navigation link when it is not selected.
Tab Icon Active
Define the icon for this menu link when it is selected.
Tab Link
The name that will display below the icon of the navigation.
The link where this navigation will lead to.
About Menu Entries
For the About Menu Entries, you can choose to either add a Page or a Section.