IAM Prompt



This journey has the objective to prompt user to opt to notifications (email & push)

Entry criteria:

If the market has native attributes

  • email_subscribe = subscribed, opted out

  • push_subscribe = subscribed, opted out

If the market has custom attributes

  • marketingEmail = false

  • marketingPush = false

In both cases, the user should have already an email address (a profile)

The campaign is activated when the user starts session, and the duration depends on the duration of the content we are advertising (i.e. if we are pushing for the Roulette, it should be from D-5 to D-1 from roulette launch)






Note: copy needs to be validated with the local legal team

User update attribute set up:

"attributes": [
"push_subscribe": "opted_in",
"email_subscribe": "opted_in",
"marketingEmail": true,
"marketingPush": true


Note: the IOS prompt for push notifications needs to be triggered afterwards to ensure that the push token is updated