

Items are the single orderable products that will be displayed in the platform, such as Whopper® Burger or Coca Cola Medium.

Introduction to Items

Automatic MDS Synchronization

For markets using the MDS (Master Data System) legacy menu sync (automatic synchronization of menu with our Master Data Management tool), items must not be created in Sanity, as they will be automatically synchronized from MDS. However, once items are in Sanity, they need to edited in Sanity to the desired configuration for the guests.

If you’re still using the legacy menu sync, please reach out to your CSM to turn it off and enable full edition rights in Sanity.

Items and Pickers could look similar and easily be confused, the below images will help remember different concepts:

Configuring Items


This is the name of the item that will show in the platform, so must be edited according to your marketing guidelines.

Internal Name

The name that will be displayed in Sanity - it will help you quickly identify and organize your items.


This is the image that is shown for the item.

Best Practices Tip

Choosing a picture without a background might look more appealing to turn the guest’s focus to the actual product.

Image Description

This will be the text for the alt attribute on the image.

The alt attribute is the HTML attribute used in HTML and XHTML documents to specify alternative text (alt text) that is to be rendered when the element to which it is applied cannot be rendered.

It is also important for SEO purposes, as this description is what allows search engines (like Google) to connect this image to a search. By adding the Plant-based Whopper description, there is a chance users will find this image in Google Images, which can lead to traffic in the platform


This is the description for the item once it is clicked on.


These are the modifiers of the item. For a Plant-based Whopper, those are the Plant-based Patty, Cheese, Ketchup, etc.

A detailed guide of the configurations of each of the options can be found in Modifier & Modifier Multiplier(Modifier Controls).

Channel Exclusions

Need to show different items depending on the Service Mode Group (Pickup / Delivery) or the platform (Web, Mobile, Kiosk, Google Food Ordering). This is the place where you can exclude items from being shown to the guests.

  • This component has 3 values, the green toggle means ‘ON’, whereas the grey toggle and the toggle on the middle means 'OFF.

Nutrition & Allergens (N&A)

Items contain nutrition & allergen information. For a detailed guide on N&A information management, refer to Nutrition & Allergen Information Management

Additional Item Information

Some markets have a legal requirement of displaying additional nutrition information for pre-packaged products, i.e. products that the brand sells without any kind of modification. These are typically the canned or bottled drinks, ice creams directly sold in the packaging, like Ben & Jerry’s, etc.

If the information is filled, the nutrition modal adds automatically a new section at the bottom with the respective information.


You can limit the amount of this item that can be added to the cart. In that case, the guest will face a scenario where no more units can be added after a certain amount. No more than 9 units of the same item are allowed to be added into cart.

Other Selections

For easiness of explanation, all the other selections you can make throughout the Items file have been grouped in this part of the guide.

  • Reward eligible will allow an item to be added to your Loyalty Program

  • Show in Static Menu will allow displaying the item in the Static Menu, before a Service Mode or store is selected. This is the equivalent to your National Menu, but it does not mean all of the items are available for purchase for Delivery or Pickup, for example.

  • Hide Calories will hide the calories of this item in the user flow

  • Hide Nutrition Legal Disclaimer will hide the nutrition legal disclaimer

Legal Information - Sanity


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Vendor Configs

This is where the PLU configurations are done, please refer toPLU Management & Configuration for a detailed guide.

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