Tech Discovery - Amazon Prime Integration (v2)

Amazon Cobranded offer landing Page - Configuration of deeplinks



  • Dynamic Firebase link: It should check if the app is installed or not. If not, it should redirect to play/apple store

  • redirect to BK Amazon prime page


BK Account Linking


WL (new page)

https://<env>-<brand> is not accessible if user is not logged in. Should we force user to log-in and then forward to this page?






In case of error:







Does the Prime customer already have a BK account with the same email?

  • 3P then calls Prime API (LinkCustomer API) to confirm accounts are linked.

  • Since BK got customer information from LWA and Prime APIs (name, email, phone number), it can be verified if the user has already a BK account that matches with the same email


If there is no match, BK considerates the user as a new BK costumer, so a new BK account is created automatically





To enhance existing page https://<env>-<brand> :



If there is a match




Amazon Prime Offers

To align it with Engagement team.

To check the spike:

Amazon Prime Cart Checkout

To check with UX (Julia / Gabriel)

Amazon Prime Account Linking Configuration

To check with UX (Julia / Gabriel) and engagement the corresponding figma.

To be aligned with Blue light card:

To check the spike:

Amazon Social Login (LWA - Login with Amazon)

Despite of allowing user sign-up/sign-in Amazon, the app should only provide the amazon prime benefits if the user goes to configuration and toggle on the account link. Reason: Avoid unexpected discounts to the customers.









→ Note that last step describes how to integrate with your account system

  • integrate with your account system

    • Make Database Changes

    • Set up Login with Amazon

    • Obtain and Secure Amazon Customer Profile Data

    • Find or Create a Local Account

    • Mark the User as Authenticated