Tech Discovery - Amazon Prime Integration (v2)
Amazon Cobranded offer landing Page - Configuration of deeplinks
Dynamic Firebase link: It should check if the app is installed or not. If not, it should redirect to play/apple store
redirect to BK Amazon prime page
BK Account Linking
Airtouch | WL (new page) https://<env>-<brand> is not accessible if user is not logged in. Should we force user to log-in and then forward to this page?
3P makes the Ellis get auth code API call to retrieve the LWA auth code.
3P calls LWA API to retrieve the access token and refresh token.
3P calls Prime API (Benefits Discovery API) to verify Prime benefit status
In case of error:
Airtouch | Whitelabel |
Does the Prime customer already have a BK account with the same email?
3P then calls Prime API (LinkCustomer API) to confirm accounts are linked.
Since BK got customer information from LWA and Prime APIs (name, email, phone number), it can be verified if the user has already a BK account that matches with the same email
If there is no match, BK considerates the user as a new BK costumer, so a new BK account is created automatically
Airtouch | Whitelabel |
| To enhance existing page https://<env>-<brand> :
If there is a match
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Amazon Prime Offers
To align it with Engagement team.
To check the spike:
Amazon Prime Cart Checkout
To check with UX (Julia / Gabriel)
Amazon Prime Account Linking Configuration
To check with UX (Julia / Gabriel) and engagement the corresponding figma.
To be aligned with Blue light card:
To check the spike:
Amazon Social Login (LWA - Login with Amazon)
Despite of allowing user sign-up/sign-in Amazon, the app should only provide the amazon prime benefits if the user goes to configuration and toggle on the account link. Reason: Avoid unexpected discounts to the customers.
Airtouch | whitelabel |
→ Note that last step describes how to integrate with your account system
integrate with your account system
Make Database Changes
Set up Login with Amazon
Obtain and Secure Amazon Customer Profile Data
Find or Create a Local Account
Mark the User as Authenticated