[Solution] Remove pre-filled info in the card
Potential Solutions
Note: this section should be short and sweet, documenting notes about different solutions that were considered during ideation. Can just be a link to a whiteboard for example. Expected outcome: one solution is chosen and documented in more detail under Proposed Solution.
Proposed Solution
Description of the proposed solution.
Figma Link: https://www.figma.com/design/wEeYkRHLwLdMJHKvQJOdd0/%5BIBFEC-1795%5D-Remove-Pre-filled-Name-On-Card-field?node-id=7979-30251 )
ADR: https://rbictg.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/TRX/pages/4769939695
Potential Challenges
List here potential challenges that have come across the opportunity definition or from the potential solutions so far.