How to Use a Page Template on Confluence
As part of standardizing our team processes, we are trying to create a structure for our confluence resources.
Overview - of what we do TH Digital and Loyalty Analytics
Focus area
List of contents
Digital Analytics Reports – The Idea is to have our regular reporting streams under this list (e.g., Monthly executions, Preview etc.)
Cadence, intended audience, resource person, Storyboard
Definitions, Data definition, and code
Links to the regular cadence run on SharePoint < Embed the folder here>
Deep Dives – all of our Ad-hoc analyses that are not one-time data pulls but have generated insights
One Pager on who the ask was for? The hypothesis, code used, results and insights generated
Any repeated asks along the same line are to be updated in a one-pager
Feel free to any ongoing meeting notes or alignment notes here
Projects – any long-term projects we are working on E.g Business Intelligence - Project Plan
Project overview – Objectives and key outcomes
Components of the project
Must include details on who the people involved, timelines, key resources and aligned goals and targets
Data Dictionary ( Transaction Level Dataset )
Dashboard Dictionary use this template
Any How-To articles
Pages that don’t flow to any of the above spaces ( if any)