How to Create a Quick Dashboard on Databricks

How to Create a Quick Dashboard on Databricks

tThere are 2 methods to create a quick Dashboard on data bricks.


 Method 1

This method works for quick ad-hoc presentations for something running on a schedule follow method 2

  1. From your existing Databricks Notebook click the “+” next to your results table to add a visualization

  2. Create your desired visualization, the features are limited on the charting tool but should be sufficient for basic charting functionalities. Click save.

  3. Add this chart to a new dashboard

  4. This will create a new ‘Untitled’ dashboard page

  5. Rearrange as needed for refreshing the chart, you can configure each chart tile to show the run button

Each Run is Associated with the notebook cell (i.e. if the notebook cells are dependent on some Cache tables run in a previous cell your chart will fail)

And schedule on the dashboard page will schedule a job to run but will not update the notebook unless you run the source notebook.

 Method 2 (The Better method)

  1. Go to the SQL Editor > Create new query > Write your query

  2. Go to the Dashboards > Create New Dashboard> Give a name and Save

  3. Once the Dashboard is created add a a Visualization

  4. Pick the Query we wrote in Step 1 from the list

  5. Create your chart and Hit Save

  6. You have more control over the dashboards and can even add filters and schedule this dashboard to refresh

A single chart is powered by a single query so make sure to create a aggregate table if the query logic is complex , Schedule a notebook to update a table in the analytics schema and create a query to Select * from the aggregate table for faster dashboard load


New Updated Dashboard Creation


  1. Create a Dataset in the panel using Query or directly connect to a table

  1. Then create visualizations in the canvas

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