Offer Test Campaigns - Measurements

 Meeting Notes

@Linsey Liao @Igor Rahal Linkewitsch @Lavanya Davluri


 Campaign Measurements by Campaign Type -

  1. Challenges

    1. Redemptions

    2. Week over week past 4-week sales, traffic and #guests for guests who completed and partially completed the challenge

    3. Calculate incrementality based on

  2. Multiplier Offer Test

  3. Weekend Offers

  4. Churned Guest Offer


  1. Challenges

    1. Activations And Redemptions

    2. Completions and Partial Completions

    3. for Product Challenge_- Incremental AUV -(Total Units CW- total units PW)/RRAMI - for anyone who completed or partially completed

    4. For Freq Challenge - Incremental traffic lift PRPD

    5. Freq Day part - Incremental Daypart Traffic lift PRPD

    6. Product Chal - First-time buyers - % of completed or partially completed guests who bought the product for the first time / all guests who participated in the challenge

    7. Of the guests who bought for the first time - how many of them bought the item again after a month

    8. for freq chal - whats the post month freq lift

    9. For freq Daypart - post month daypart shift

    10. Incremental $ ( cheque, freq and sales per guest) - for completed

    11. ROI - total incremental $ / total points are given out ( conv to$)

    12. We do all the above by Guest Segment

  2. <New Occasion/ Behavioural Shift > Weekend Offers/ Churned Guest Offer/Dinner Offer

    1. The reason they are linked together is because the strategy is for guests who are not coming in to come in

    2. you can come in without the incentive, with the incentive and not at all for that week even if you are targeted, Vs control

    3. Activations and redemptions

    4. Traffic lift from each of these offers PRPD

    5. Incremental Dollars - per guest and total, Totsl incremental sales per rest per day

    6. For Weekly Execution, we do Test Vs control PW, CW lift

    7. For internal We do all calc, test vs control offer vs non-offer and PW vs CW

    8. post-analysis. - What happens to their Visits one month post the redemption

    9. CRM Metric To be explored

  3. Spend/Get

    1. Activations and redemptions

    2. and metrics that we Measure for each campaign


What is the intention of the test?

Is to see points offer vs $off offers

2X is better than 3X - ROI , Redemption
Spend/get - how much spend lift WOW